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WORKING HARBOURS HEAVY DUTY PONTOONS FOR COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS Heavy duty units can range from upgraded standard pontoons which benefit from additional buoyancy together with more substantial timber or concrete decking floating structures offering wave attenuation Cardiff Harbour Authority Environment Compound Commercial pontoons will exhibit higher live loadings and will be designed to resist greater berthing forces than standard marina equipment. TaffMead Water Taxi
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Cadogan Pier, River Thames JUMBO PONTOON Flexible connections - The proven flexible couplings comprise compressed rubber blocks, through bolts, castle nuts and split pins. This ensures security and prevents vertical and lateral misalignment but allows vertical angular movements of the adjacent units. No noise Is generated by the connection. Structure: Mild steel all welded structure galvanised to EN ISO 1461 Decking: Hardwood boards planed from 150 x 33 sections. Floats: Extra deep Walcon fibre concrete protected expanded polystyrene floats arranged In catamaran layout. Shamrock Quay,...
Abrir o catálogo na página 2Todos os catálogos e folhetos Walcon Marine
fibre concrete floats
1 Páginas
Working Harbour Pontoons
1 Páginas
System 21 Pontoon
1 Páginas
System 2000
1 Páginas
Articulating Finger Pontoon
1 Páginas
Marina Equipment and Accessories
4 Páginas
System 21
2 Páginas
Access Bridges
2 Páginas
Working Harbours
2 Páginas
2 Páginas
Walcon Wizard : piling barge
2 Páginas
Catálogos arquivados
Pontoon Hire
2 Páginas
4 Páginas
2 Páginas
Artic Finger Pont
2 Páginas