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THE ESSENTIAL EXTRA COMPONENTS REQUIRED TO COMPLETE A MARINA These illustrations highlight some items of hardware available. Complete descriptions following pages.
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EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT LARGE Glass re-inforced panel cabinet as standard: 2 No. 9kg dry powder fire lifebelt. Optional additional Items include vandal alarm, Integral light and emergency telephone. SMALL EMERGENCY CABINET (MH2) Similar cabinet to MH1 but smaller with standard Inventory: 1 No. 9kg dry powder fire extinguisher and lifebelt. An Integral light Is an optional extra. G.R.P ladder to enable someone who has fallen Into the water to climb on to the pontoon. The ladder may be fixed direct to the walkway or to a pile guide. MOORING FIXINGS The Walcon twin-posted cast aluminium mooring...
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WATER EQUIPMENT These free-standing units are designed to conform to the National Yacht Harbour supplying drinking water from a stand pipe within reach of each berth. A tap is mounted on the upright of the aluminium stand and 18m of hose supplied as standard either coiled or at extra cost on ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT Whilst Walcon does not manufacture marina electrical equipment. We have ensured that suitable units Electrical Modules Limited & Rolec Services Limited equipment available from units incorporate walkway light, Miniature Circuit Breakers and Earth Leakage Circuit Breakers for both...
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Piles, although fundamental to the attractive fibreglass cap embellished. If required, with the pier number or letter Caps can be made In any size and PILE GUIDES The size and type of pile guides varies widely and each contract Is examined individually. Standard features of 2. Hardwood or composite rubbing strips. Pile guides incorporated within the walkway can be provided as special Due to our policy of continuous product development we reserve the right to change specifications without prior notice
Abrir o catálogo na página 4Todos os catálogos e folhetos Walcon Marine
fibre concrete floats
1 Páginas
Working Harbour Pontoons
1 Páginas
System 21 Pontoon
1 Páginas
System 2000
1 Páginas
Articulating Finger Pontoon
1 Páginas
Marina Equipment and Accessories
4 Páginas
System 21
2 Páginas
Access Bridges
2 Páginas
Working Harbours
2 Páginas
2 Páginas
Walcon Wizard : piling barge
2 Páginas
Catálogos arquivados
Pontoon Hire
2 Páginas
2 Páginas
Artic Finger Pont
2 Páginas