PDPS Brochure
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PDPS Brochure - 1

PORTABLE DYNAMIC POSITIONING SYSTEMS Its amazing what a little imagination can do!

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PDPS Brochure - 2

IlTlJSlQlIlC being able Lo^JJli^omelBing^as sim^i abarge, and convert it into a highly sophisticated dynamically positioned vessel. now, imagine this conversion being in the water, in less than a wee Difficult you may ask? Impossible? Not here. Thrustmaster does it on a regular basis with great success. We call it the Portable Dynamic Positioning System (PDPS). It consists of modular thrusters, power units, and a DP control van all interfaced and ready-to-go. Our deck-mounted system can be quickly installed without dry-docking, and without extensive modifications of the vessel so your...

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PDPS Brochure - 4

Thrustmaster's Portable Dynamic Positioning System is a computer-controlled propulsion system that allows a vessel to maintain its position in open waters against wind, waves and current. It can also direct a vessel to follow a predetermined track at a specified heading and speed, or follow an independent target such as an ROV or AUV. Our PDPS consists of two or more azimuthing thrusters, each provided with its own diesel hydraulic power unit, and connected to a central van with prepackaged DP computers and sensor suite. Position reference sensors, combined with wind sensor and gyrocompass,...

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PDPS Brochure - 5

Portable DP System works for you TYPICAL SYSTEM CONFIGURATION EXTERNAL SENSORS Thrusters may be placed on deck or on sponson platforms welded to the shell. They may be deployed over the sides or over the bow and transom, or all on one side to reserve the opposite side for diving, ROV operations, pipelay or repair, etc. Power units may be placed on deck or on elevated stands. In many cases, power units can be stacked on top of one another to save precious deck space. The control van may be placed on top of the accommodations module or at another elevated location.

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PDPS Brochure - 6

A Variety Of DP Thruster Solutions 40-inch nozzle. Stem length from the deck mount skid to with special low temperature Standard thruster sizes used in the PDPS are 300HP, 500HP, configured for mounting on deck, or on platforms welded to the side shell of the vessel. The stem and lower foot of the thruster are totally supported from the top assembly and there is no need for any lower support from the hull structure. Each thruster is provided with a hydraulically powered swing-up system allowing the stem and lower foot to be tilted upward 90 degrees to a horizontal position at deck level....

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PDPS Brochure - 7

Sizes To Fit Your Needs Accurate control of thrust Thrust direction is controlled by steering the propeller. Each thruster can freely azimuth through 360 degrees without fixed-pitch propeller controls the amount of thrust output. The closed-loop hydraulic drive facilitates precise propeller speed control from zero to maximum RPM. Full torque is available at any propeller speed, even at very slow RPM, allowing fast and precise response to speed command changes from the DP computer. This results in station keeping accuracy superior to what can be obtained using conventional diesel-electric...

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PDPS Brochure - 8

Hydraulic Power Units (HPU) Each thruster comes with its own self- contained diesel hydraulic power unit (HPU). The HPU is fully enclosed and designed for outdoor installation at any convenient location directly on deck or on a raised platform. It produces the hydraulic power to drive the propeller, provide steering, and operate the swing-up functions of the thruster. This power is transmitted through hydraulic hoses running on deck from the HPU to the thruster. The HPU comprises a continuously rated diesel engine (Caterpillar or equal), driving a heavy-duty hydrostatic transmission pump...

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PDPS Brochure - 9

FULL-RANGE OF DYNAMIC POSITION CAPABILITIES The central control system of the — PDPS is designed for installation on the bridge or in a dedicated control Position sensors may include microwave or laser radar, DGPS, taut-wire, or any other industry standard positioning sensor suite. Wind sensors, gyrocompass, and motion reference units are available as required for the vessel's mission. Options also include cable or pipelay software, follow ROV, and ECDIS navigation display. Compliance with vessel classification rules or redundancy requirements are met as required. Thrustmaster PDPS are...

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PDPS Brochure - 10

System Integration Thrustmaster PDPS system vessel without permanent changes to the hull. Note Power Units on deck. Dynamic Positioning comprise many compo- parts of the system requires critical system components. When ordering a Portable DP System from Thrustmaster you get a proven system fully integrated at the Thrusters, HPUs, DP computer and sensors are all carefully matched and optimized to operate in har- mony as a system. It is tested as an integrated system at Thrustmaster's facilities prior to shipment, so Thrustmaster uses only the best quality components available. We work...

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PDPS Brochure - 11

Mobilization & Demobilization Install, Use, Store, Refit, or Permanent Installation their final Installation of thrusters and HPUs is accomplished dockside by the use of cranes, either shore-based or The equipment is modular and can be trucked over-the-road or transported by ship or barge even to remote locations. Installation and mobilization can be accomplished in as little as a few days. AThrustmaster service technician oversees mobilization of the system. The service technician super- vises installation, commissioning, start-up, and dock trials. Once the system is calibrated at the...

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PDPS Brochure - 12

About Thrustmaster of Texas, Inc. Founded over 20 years ago by its current president, Thrustmaster of Texas, Inc. is a privately-owned corporation based in Houston, Texas. As one of the world's leading manufacturers of marine propulsion equipment, Thrustmaster has maintained its reputation over the years by strict adherence to its mission statement of both quality and Thrustmaster is ISO 9001 certified as determined by theABS.Thrustmasterfield service engineers and technicians provide worldwide support 24 hours a day. We maintain a large inventory of all essential spare parts in Houston,...

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