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Description SonaD ive® assists divers during recognition or object detection missions. The embedded navigation system relies on the several sensors: heading, immersion, DVL (Doppler) and a GPS for surface initialization. Divers can communicate with each other and the surface unit in real time via the acoustic modem, sharing contacts and their symbology (MILEC, MILCO, ...). A communication module allows underwater repositioning and transmission of data to the surface. Sonar and navigation data are fully recorded allowing mission replay, data analysis and export. With 6 hours of battery life, the autonomy can be extended by interchangeable batteries under water during mission. The products are subject to export control authorization. Advantages • Always Safe operations thanks to the lowest magnetism on the market • Clear Target identification underwater thanks to its large screen • Multi-missions product • High accuracy in target localization Applications • Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Divers • Special Forces for covert Navigation • Search and Recovery for Fireman and Police • Rapid Beach Profiling / REA • Homeland Security (Federal and Regional Police) for Body Reseach • Infrastructure Inspection • Pipe and Cable Tracking • Underwater Archaeology Characteristics • Sizes: H 27 cm - W 37.2 cm - L 56 cm. • Weight: < 20 kg in air - Neutral buoyancy • Max operating depth: 100 meters • Submarine signal range: 3000 meters • Autonomy: 6 hours • Wet pluggable batteries • BlueView 2D multi-beamSonar: 450 kHz or 900/2250 kHz • Video camera: Divecam-720M Miniature Monochrome CCD • Acoustic communication: 20 to 30 kHz - Discrete mode • Large screen: 12" visible in all water conditions • Gradiometer: High performance fluxgate • Navigation : GPS - INS - DVL - Pressure sensor • Floating removable GPS antenna • Integrated shart georeferenced POI RTsys - Underwater Acoustics & Drones +(33X0)297 898 580 -
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SonaDive® Detection SonaDive® is fitted with BlueView 2D Multi-Beam Sonar acoustic cameras. Two models are available with the following equipment: • BLUEVIEW M 450 kHz-45 • BLUEVIEW M 900 kHz/2 250 kHz-45 The cameras are interchangeable from one model to another. Gradiometer A fluxgate probe positioned vertically on the side of the system can be connected and disconnected during the mission thanks to its wet mate connector. Advanced navigation capabilitie • DVL : 1200 kHz • Floating GPS Antenna with 3 types of cable • INS : High performance • High accuracy pressure sensor Battery • Li-Ion...
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SDA Software Suite
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Sonar AS3I
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