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PRS - 1

Position Reference System Position Reference System Used with Mega-Guard DP DGN: DGPS/Glonass with NTRIP Differential correction via VSAT HPR: Hydroacoustic Position Reference Gate Valve and Deployment Machine Pole mounted with Over-the-side Pole TPR: Taut wire Position Reference Full electric Deck Winch Cost effective and accurate World wide service network Class type approved AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGY

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PRS - 2

AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGY • DGPS/Glonass with NTRIP (DGN-5000) • Hydroacoustic Position Reference (HPR-5000) • Taut wire Posilion Reference (TPR-5000) Third party position reference systems like DGPS with I ALA, Seastar or Veripos and position reference systems based on laser and radar are supported as The Mega-Guard DP system supports up to 16 different position reference systems. The final position is calculated taking into account the reliability, accuracy and weighing factor of each position reference system. ► DGPS/Glonass with NTRIP The Mega-Guard DGPS/Glonass with NTRIP (DGN) position...

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PRS - 3

AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGY DGPS/Glonass with NTRIP, Hydroacoustic and Taut Position Reference The Mega-Guard Hydroacoustic Posilion Reference (HPR) is applied as a cosi effective and highly accurale position reference system for the Mega-Guard Dynamic Positioning System (DP2 and DP3). The position of the seabed USBL Transponders are used as reference points for the ship mounted USBL Transceiver. The USBL Transceiver, MRU and Gyro are connected to the USBL Control Cabinet. The HPR Wokstation accurately calculates the relative position of the vessel taking into account the data as received from...

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PRS - 4

HPR-5000 Hydroacoustic Position Reference TPR-5000 Taut wire Position Reference Taut Wire Operator Panel Control Cabinet Over-the-side Pole USBL Transceiver Deloyment Machine Gate Valve ) , USBL Transceiver Taut wire Local Control Cabinet USBL Transponder rtr^nsPondei Mega-Guard Ship Automation and Navigation System Alarm Monitoring Reference System Monitoring System Watch Alarm System Management System Control System Alarm System Monitoring System Navigation System Control System Positioning System Control System Branch offices: Praxis Automation China Praxis Automation Korea Praxis...

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Todos os catálogos e folhetos Praxis Automation Technology

  1. Fire Alarm System

    8 Páginas

  2. Crystal Bridge

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  3. AMCS

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  4. CCTV

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  5. BNWAS

    4 Páginas

  6. PCS

    4 Páginas

  7. Brochure

    4 Páginas

  8. WCS

    4 Páginas

  9. NLCS.pdf

    4 Páginas

  10. AMS

    4 Páginas

  11. FAS

    4 Páginas

  12. DP

    12 Páginas

  13. INS

    4 Páginas

  14. PMS

    4 Páginas

  15. WCS

    4 Páginas

Catálogos arquivados


    12 Páginas

  2. Mega-Guard

    24 Páginas