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Alarm and Monitoring System Alarm and Monitoring System Extension Alarm System for UMS Tank gauging and monitoring LED alarm indication for digital inputs LCD alarm/value indication for analog inputs LED alarm indication in cabins for UMS Maximum 192 digital inputs Maximum 96 analog inputs Maximum 96 serial link inputs Power supply voltage: 19~32Vdc World wide service network Class type approved (UMS) AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGY
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AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGY The Mega-Guard Alarm and Monitoring System (AMS) is the perfect solution for small vessels. The Mega-Guard AMS supports both manned and unmannded machinery space The Alarm Panel is the main component of the AMS and this panel contains 16 digital inputs with a text window and LED alarm indication. This stand-alone panel communicates with other Alarm Panels and with the Group Alarm Panel on bridge via a redundant Ethernet network. The Group Alarm Panel on bridge is physically the same panel as the Alarm Panel. The basic AMS can be extended with analog inputs by...
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AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGY ► Tank gauging and monitoring The Mega-Guard AM S supports the reading, processing arid alarming of analog input channels. Analog input channels are connected to a 24 channel Analog Input I/O Module and virtually all types of analog sensors are the EAS Operator Panel. The E AS Operator Panel is also capable of making calculations with the analog input channels in Order to calculate for instance the contents of a tank and taking into account the odd tank shape together with the specific gravity of the fluid inside Ihe tank. Analog input channel configuration (set-up) is...
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Mega-Guard Alarm and Monitorine Group Alarm Panel f Fieldbus (LAN) | | Fieldbus (LAN) | | Fieldbus (LAN) Watch Timer Entrance Unit Reset Units Extension Alarm System _Ethernet_ _Ethernet _Ethernet_ _Ethernet Alarm Panel Alarm Panel ALARM CONTACT WIRING ALARM CONTACT WIRING EAS Operator Panel EAS Operator Panel Alarm Panel Alarm Panel ALARM CONTACT WIRING ALARM CONTACT WIRING Analog Input I/O Module Analog Input I/O Module ANALOG INPUT WIRING ANALOG INPUT WIRINi Mega-Guard Ship Automation and Navigation System Alarm Monitoring Reference System Monitoring System Watch Alarm System Management...
Abrir o catálogo na página 4Todos os catálogos e folhetos Praxis Automation Technology
Fire Alarm System
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Alarm and monitoring system
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Navigation Light Control System
4 Páginas
Wiper Control System
4 Páginas
CCTV Video Distribution
4 Páginas
Crystal Bridge
4 Páginas
4 Páginas
Valve Control and Monitoring System
4 Páginas
4 Páginas
4 Páginas
4 Páginas
4 Páginas
4 Páginas
4 Páginas
4 Páginas
4 Páginas
12 Páginas
4 Páginas
4 Páginas
4 Páginas
Catálogos arquivados
12 Páginas
24 Páginas