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4125_brochure_ - 1

SIDE SCAN SONAR SYSTEM Ultra high resolution images Lightweight for one person deployment Standard heading, pitch, roll & pressure sensors Choice of dual simultaneous Pole mount option for shallow water Hydrographie Surveys Geological Surveys Search & Recovery Channel/Clearance Surveys Bridge/Pier/Harbor Wall Inspection Hull Inspections ill EdgeTech's 4125 Side Scan Sonar System was designed with both the Search & Recovery (SAR) and shallow water survey communities in mind. The 4125 utilizes EdgeTech's Full Spectrum® CHIRP technology, which provides higher resolution imagery at ranges up to 50% greater than non-CHIRP systems operating at the same frequency. This translates into more accurate results and faster surveys, thus cutting down on costs. Two dual simultaneous frequency sets are available for the 4125 depending on the application. The 400/900 kHz set is the perfect tool for shallow water survey applications, providing an ideal combination of range and resolution. The 600/1600 kHz set is ideally suited for customers that require ultra high resolution imagery in order to detect very small targets (SAR). There are two towfish options for the system; one with telemetry and one without. The towfish with added telemetry provides the ability to operate over longer tow cable lengths for operation in deeper waters. Both frequency sets are available for either towfish. The 4125 system can be powered by both AC and DC for added versatility and is delivered in portable rugged cases for ease of transport from site-to- site. As is standard with all of EdgeTech's towed side scan systems, the 4125 comes with a safety recovery system which will prevent the loss of a towfish if it becomes snagged on an obstacle during a survey. A standard 4125 System comes with a choice of towfish and a portable water resistant topside processor with a splash-proof, drop & shock resistant laptop computer including EdgeTech's easy-to-use Discover acquisition software. A 50m Kevlar tow cable is included as standard with customer-specified lengths also available. Multiple options are available such as a v-fin depressor, keel weight, pole mount and hull scan bracket for added versatility. For more information please visit EdgeTech.com

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4125_brochure_ - 2

SIDE SCAN SONAR SYSTEM Frequencies (Dual Simultaneous) Pulse Type Operating Range Horizontal Beam Width Vertical Beam Width Resolution Across Track Max Depth Rating of Towfish Standard Sensors ! Choice of either a 400/900 kHz or 600/1600 kHz towfish EdgeTech's Full Spectrum® CHIRP (user-selectable CW pulses also included) 4125 Towfish with added telemetry* Multi-conductor up to 150m max length (will pro- vide a typical operational depth down to 50m) Coaxial up to 600m max length (will provide a typical operational depth down to 200m) Stainless Steel Heading, Pitch, Roll, Pressure (Depth) *...

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