Catalog excerpts

集装箱正面吊运起重机/ Container Reach Stacker
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尺寸参数 Dimensions 技术规格 Technical specifications 重量/作业速度 Weight / Working speeds 起重能力 Lifting capacity 运输部件尺寸 Dimensions of transported parts
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尺寸参数 Dimensions
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技术规格 Technical specifications 美国Parker变量柱塞泵、阀件,系统具有 复合动作、高低速自动切换(空载高速、
Open the catalog to page 4
技术规格 Technical specifications Standard equipment XCMG spreader is suitable for handling 20' and 40' standard containers. Telescoping, side shift and rotating function, as well as twist lock control are available. Rated lifting capacity: 45 t. Side shift: ±800 mm. Rotation angle: -105°~+195°. Dynamic moving full-view driver’s cab. Equipped with ergonomic seat, two point retractable seat belt, water cup holder, 12V and 24V power supply, radio, loudspeaker amplifiers and HD Reverse view system. America Parker variable plunger pump and values, the system has compound action, high and low speed...
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Front Axle Rear Axle Total weight 空载 Unloaded 满载 Rated load 轴荷为45t载荷处于第一排时的数值。 The axle loads listed in the table are the values when 45t Load located on the first row. 作业速度 Working speeds 项目 Rated load 徐工吊具 XCMG Spreader Bromma 吊具 Bromma Spreader 允差范围 Tolerance 起升速度 Lifting speed 下落速度 Lowering speed 行驶速度 Traveling speed 吊具参数 Spreader specifications
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起重能力 Lifting capacities
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运输部件尺寸 Dimensions of transported parts
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运输部件尺寸 Dimensions of transported parts 起重臂组件 Boom assembly
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通道宽度 Aisle width
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主要技术参数 Main Technical Data 序号 最小离地间隙 Min. ground clearance 最小转弯半径 Min. turning radius 最大牵引力 Max. drawbar pull 最大爬坡能力 Max grade ability 额定起重量 Rated lifting capacity 堆高能力 Stacking capacity 最大起升高度 Max. lifting height
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主要配套件明细表 Main parts list 序号 N0. 吊具(徐工) Spreader (XCMG) 徐州徐工港口机械有限公司 Xuzhou XCMG Port Machine Co.,Ltd. 吊具(Bromma) Spreader (Bromma) 瑞典 Bromma Sweden Bromma 美国 Parker America Parker 美国 Parker America Parker 伸缩油缸 Telescopic cylinder 徐州徐工液压件有限公司 Xuzhou Hydraulic Parts Co., Ltd. XCMG 变幅油缸 Luffing Cylinder 徐州徐工液压件有限公司 Xuzhou Hydraulic Parts Co., Ltd. XCMG 美国 Dana America Dana 德国 Kessler Germany Kessler 贵州轮胎股份有限公司 Guizhou Tyre Co., Ltd. 杭州中策橡胶有限公司 Hongz
Open the catalog to page 12
注意事项 Notes All information in the brochure is provided for reference only. Never rely on it to operate the machine. Refer to the operation manual for operation instructions of the machine. Container reach stacker belong to off-road machines. Local traffic rules and regulations must be observed. For long-distance job site transfer, use a trailer and take GVW, axle load and dimensions of the machine into consideration. The machine must be operated on firm ground, which gradient does not exceed 3%. Operation of the machine is permissible only when the wind force is below grade 6. When...
Open the catalog to page 13All XCMG catalogs and brochures
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XCMG Port Machinery 2023
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