XCMG Telehandler XC6-3007V


Catalog excerpts

XCMG Telehandler XC6-3007V - 1

Address: No. 99, GuangDe Road, Development Zone, Xuzhou, Jiangsu, China Nationwide unified customer service hotline: 400-110-9999 XCMG Special Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. XC6-3007V Telescopic Forklift 徐工叉车官网 XCMG forklift official website

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XCMG Telehandler XC6-3007V - 2

XC6系列伸缩臂叉车, 是国内操控智能化程度高、 安全高效的伸缩臂叉车产品。 电控静压传动 系统、 无级变速驱动技术, 操作更加平稳可靠; 智能独立散热系统, 节能高效。 XC6 is the latest XCMG' telescopic forklift which features the highest operation simplicity, safety and efficiency. The electronically controlled hydrostatic drive system and continuously variable drive technology achieve more stable and reliable operations. The intelligent independent cooling system features high energy-saving and efficiency. XC�-����V伸缩臂叉车是徐工在吸收引进国外伸缩臂叉车的先进设计及制造技术的同时, 经广泛市场及技术调 研而自主开发设计的一种新型伸缩臂叉车。 该机型结构紧凑、 操纵灵活、 举升灵敏、 自动调平, 集稳定性与高工效 于一身, 适合于多种物料搬运环境。 XC6-3007V telescopic forklift is a new...

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XCMG Telehandler XC6-3007V - 3

豪华型全景空调驾驶室, 视野开阔, 隔音、 隔热、 减震, 造型美观, 操作舒适。 司机耳旁噪音小于��dB(A), 满足欧洲CE标准要求。 动力系统采用双向减振技术, 全方位弹性悬挂, 有效克服动力系统与车架之间的共振, 降低噪音及动力系统的疲劳破坏。 大容 量水箱,风洞” “ 式导风罩, 采用独立散热系统, 节能高效,同时具有反转清洁功能。 The power system adopts two-way vibration reduction technology and omnidirectional elastic suspension, which can effectively overcome the resonance between the power arrangement is reasonable and the structure is simple. The compression and irregular welds are reduced, and the important load-bear- Large capacity water tank, "wind tunnel" efficiency, and reverse cleaning function. 采用整体式车架, 发动机、 驾驶室分居在车架两侧, 伸缩臂布置在中间位置, 布置合理,...

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XCMG Telehandler XC6-3007V - 4

外形尺寸 Measurements 整机外形尺寸 Overall size 最大起升高度 (至货叉上平面)Maximum lifting height (to upper plane of fork) 最大前伸距 (臂水平, 载荷中心至轮胎前端)Maximum forward reach 轴距 Wheelbase 最小离地间隙 Minimum ground clearance 货叉尺寸 Fork cross section 载荷中心距 Center distance of load 制动距离 Braking distance 工作性能 Productivity 额定载荷 Rated load 最大前伸距时的有效载荷 Payload at maximum forward reac 最大起升高度时的有效载荷 Maximum lift height of the payload 举升 Luffing time (rising) 下降 Luffing time (falling) 工作装置 Work device 外伸 Second arm stretching-out time 回缩 Second arm retracting time 上倾翻 Fork arm carrier forward tiling time 下倾翻 Fork arm carrier backward tiling...

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