Catalog excerpts

Bring some excitement back to your life! The Windy 25 Mirage was hailed by the international marine press as the finest performance sports cruiser of its type. The Mirage set’s herself apart from the competition with an unbelievably soft riding hull and an exceptional level of build, which is reflected both in her finish and the quality of materials used in her construction. Take control of the helm and bring a smile to your face by enjoying the ultimate experience in offshore handling. Anchor in your favourite bay and relax in the comfort and style that Windys are famous for. The ultimate fusion of style and performance Mer spenning i livet! Bringen Sie Spannung in Ihr Leben! Redonnez un coup de punch à votre vie! ¡Devuelva algo de emoción a su vida! Украсьте вашу жизнь приятным волнением! Windy 25 Mirage ble av den internasjonale båtpressen anerkjent som den beste sportscruiseren av sin type. Skroget, som gir en unik kjøreopplevelse, og kvalitetsnivået på både materialer og finish, skiller Mirage fra konkurrentene. Ta styringen og få et smil om munnen ved å nyte den ultimate opplevelsen av kontroll på sjøen. Ankre opp i favorittbukten din og slapp av med komfort og stil, slik Windyene er kjent for. Die Windy 25 Mirage wurde von der internationalen marinen Presse als der schönste Performance Sportscruiser seiner Klasse gefeiert. Sein erstaunlich sanft in die Wellen einsetzender Rumpf und die hohe Qualität der verwendeten Materialien und der Fertigung zeichnen die Mirage aus. Übernehmen Sie das Steuer und erleben Sie den ultimativen Genuss des OffshoreFahrens. Ankern Sie in Ihrer Lieblingsbucht und genießen Sie den für Windy bekannten Komfort und Stil. Le Windy 25 Mirage a été salué par la presse internationale comme étant le bateau à moteur le plus pointu de sa catégorie en matière de performances. Son incroyable coque semi-rigide et ses niveaux de qualité en termes de matériaux et de finitions font du Mirage un bateau sans concurrence. Prenez la barre et laissez-vous envahir par le plaisir de la navigation. Jetez l’ancre au cœur de votre crique préférée et détendez-vous, profitez du confort et du style si propre aux bateaux Windy. La Windy 25 Mirage ha sido aclamada por la prensa náutica internacional como la embarcación deportiva con mejores prestaciones en su clase. Su casco, con una navegación increíblemente suave y unos niveles de calidad, tanto en términos de materiales como de acabado, ponen al Mirage en un nivel diferente del resto de la competencia. Tome el control del timón y refleje una sonrisa en su cara disfrutando de lo último en experiencias de navegación en mar abierto. Fondee en su cala favorita y relájese en la comodidad y el estilo que han dado su fama a Windy. Международная морская пресса оценила Windy 25 Mirage как спортивный крейсер с самыми лучшими техническими характеристиками среди суден этого типа. Его корпус отличается великолепными ходовыми качествами, впечатление завершают качество материалов и отделки, ставящие Mirage вне конкуренции. Возьмитесь за румпель, и улыбнитесь, наслаждаясь незабываемым плаванием в открытом море. Бросьте якорь в вашем любимом заливе и расслабляйтесь, получая удовольствие от комфорта и стиля, которыми прославилось семейство яхт Windy. Length 7,68 m (25’2”) • Beam 2,50 m (8’2”) Berths 2 pers. • Naval arch. Hans J. Johnsen • Height incl. cradle 1,96 m (6’5”) • Weight including one engine 2.200 kg (4.850 lb) • Fuel tank 300 litres (79 US gal) • Fresh water tank 70 litres (18,5 US gal) 25 MIRAGE For further information visit your local dealer or; www.windyboats.com/windy_25.html Windy Boats AS pursues a policy of continuous product innovation and enhancement. Everything presented in this brochure is subject to change without prior notice. This brochure must therefore be taken only as non-binding guidelines from Windy Boats AS • The images shown in this brochure do not necessarily show a standard boat and cannot therefore be used as references for the standard specification for the model • All boats manufactured by Windy Boats AS are approved for specific categories by RINA and are CE-labelled • This brochure was produced and designed by Innoventi AS, Arendal, Autumn 2010 • Printed by Rohland & more Mediengesellschaft mbH • Exterior and interior photos: Jan Peter Lehne, www.jplehne.com • Windy Boats AS reserves all rights in this brochure. Reproduction prohibited without written authorisation by the copyright holder • Windy Oceancraft, Draco Oceancraft, Draco and WinTec are trademarks of Windy Boats AS.
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