Group: VETUS
Catalog excerpts

2021 2022 2023 All VETUS products and the VETUS brand logos are the exclusive property of VETUS B.V., the Netherlands. They are protected world-wide by international law. Due to the ever changing marine industry, we reserve the right to alter product specifications and design without prior notice. Upgraded models or new products may be released to replace old models. We have endeavoured to provide the most up-to-date information in this catalogue on items current at the time of printing. We accept no liability for any product changes in size or specification that may occur during the life of this catalogue - or to possible incorrect product sizes or specifications shown in this catalogue. For our full trading terms and conditions including warranty and our retention of title claim - see our website. Possession of this catalogue does not guarantee the right of supply of goods.
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Electric propulsion Engines and around the engine Stern gear systems 101 Exhaust systems 123 Boat instruments 143 Fuel systems 161 Fresh water systems 177 Waste water systems 229 Power hydraulics 249 Power on board 263 Steering systems 285 Glazing systems 313 Ventilation 329 Maxwell anchoring systems 373 V-Quipment Creators of Boat Systems
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VETUS, Creators of boat systems Why choose VETUS? VETUS supplies complete boat systems. We are not just a wholesaler, nor do we focus on one product - we are industry wide specialists who design complete systems. Systems meticulously engineered to one another so they go together like a dream. VETUS is the one-stop-shop you are looking for, whether you need a complete propulsion system or only a waterlock. An advisory partner with knowledge of both technique and market, who has a global network and offers a unrivalled service. VETUS - for boaters by boaters. Who are we? VETUS was founded in...
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VETUS, Creators of boat systems Yanmar Marine International Since 2013 VETUS is part of Yanmar Group. The leading supplier of innovative engines and technology driven marine propulsion systems, YANMAR Marine International (YMI) supplies the world’s cleanest, most efficient, reliable and durable diesel engines for the recreational sector - both sailboats and powerboats – and light duty commercial applications. Its trusted range of common rail marine diesel engines encompass an output range from 40 hp to 640 hp, the most comprehensive offering available from any marine engine manufacturer....
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FGHF Series Creators of Boat Systems
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V-CAN (VETUS Controller Area Network) Over the past few years, VETUS has made increasing steps to develop products which function in the CAN bus environment. CAN bus is a digital communication network, used to monitor and control devices which are connected on the CAN bus line. There are many different CAN bus networks in the world. The most common for marine applications are J1939® and NMEA0183® or NMEA2000®. VETUS has designed its own CAN bus system called V-CAN, which is intended for VETUS products only. It has also made products which will communicate between this proprietary V-CAN...
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VETUS V-CAN V-CAN connection cables Available in six different lengths for use with BOW PRO and RIMDRIVE installations. Type CAN cable 1 m Halogen free CAN cable 5 m Halogen free CAN cable 10 m Halogen free CAN cable 15 m Halogen free CAN cable 20 m Halogen free CAN cable 25 m Halogen free BPCANT BPCABCPC Power supply cable Gender changer for joining CAN bus extension cables CANVERTER The V-CAN network can be linked to the J1939® or NME2000® networks using a CANVERTER. By connecting these two networks you can benefit from the advantages of both. CANVERTER Type CANverter mono directional...
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NMEA2000® Cables Available in 4 different lengths. Power supply cable Type NMEA2000® Power supply cable 3A fuse - male connector -1 m Terminating resistor Type NMEA2000® Terminating resistor - Female -120 Ohm Terminating resistor Type NMEA2000® Terminating resistor - Male -120 Ohm
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V-CAN VETUS V-CAN products Electric Propulsion Page 67 E-Line panels and controls Page 76 RIMDRIVE BOWA Thruster panels Page 223 BPPPA Creators of Boat Systems
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Service & distribution network Head office and subsidiaries APAC Asia Pacific VETUS B.V. Fokkerstraat 571 3125 BD Schiedam-Holland Tel.: + 31 (0)10 4377700 sales@vetus.com (export) info@vetus.com (NL) New Zealand VETUS-Maxwell Apac Tel.: +64 (0) 9 985 66 00 salesnz@vetus-maxwell.com Asia VETUS-Maxwell Tel.: +886 909 390 358 salesasia@vetus-maxwell.com Australia VETUS-Maxwell Pty Ltd Tel.: +61 (0)7 3245 4755 salesau@vetus-maxwell.com Asia VETUS-Maxwell Tel.: +886 909 390 358 salesasia@vetus-maxwell.com Australia VETUS-Maxwell Pty Ltd Tel.: +61 (0)7 3245 4755 salesau@vetus-maxwell.com...
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Service & distribution network Americas and the Caribbean United States VETUS Maxwell America (Head office for North, Central and South America and the Caribbean) Tel.: +1 410 712 0740 sales-service@vetus.com Argentina see United States Maxwell Trimer S.A. Tel.: +54 11 4580 0444 Email: trimer@trimer.com.ar Belize Blue Hole Marine Supply Tel.: 610 2295 670007 dannymadrid@hotmail.com Brazil Marine Office Com. Imp. e Repr. Ltda Tel.: +55 11 34775655 marine.office@ marineoffice.com.br Canada Stright-Mackay Ltd. Tel.: +1 800 565 4394 info@stright-mackay.com Western Marine Tel.: (604) 253 3322...
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Service & distribution network EMEA Europe, Middle East and Africa VETUS B.V. Fokkerstraat 571 3125 BD Schiedam-Holland Tel.: +31 (0)10 4377700 info@vetus.com (NL) sales@vetus.com (export) Belgium VETUS Belgium Tel.: +32 499 82 57 22 info@vetus.be Denmark VETUS ApS Tel.: +45 76 975 000 info@vetus.dk Finland VETUS Oy Tel.: +358 207 756 740 info@vetus.fi France VETUS Maxwell France Tel.: +33 4 94 14 93 53 info@vetus.fr Germany VETUS Deutschland GmbH Tel.: +49 431 97 99 77 15 vetusdeutschland@vetus.com Italy VETUS Maxwell SRL Tel.: +39 0571 57122 info@vetusitalia.it Spain VETUS Hispania S.A....
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Service & distribution network EMEA Europe, Middle East and Africa Hungary Fuke Yacht Ltd. Tel.: +36 88 432 897 info@fukeyacht.hu Kuwait VETUS see United Arab Emirates Iceland Baldur Halldorsson ehf. Tel.: +354 462 37 00 b.h@mi.is Maxwell Al Sabih Marine Equipment Company Tel.: +965 24835228 alsabihmarine@yahoo.com Ireland Union Chandlery Tel.: +353 21 4554 334 vetus@unionchandlery.com Latvia BMG Power Systems OÜ LV Tel.: +371 26 606 457 info.lv@bm.ee Israel Yamit YSB Ltd. Marine Trade Co. Tel.: +972 3 527 1777 office@yamitysb.co.il Lebanon see United Arab Emirates Ivory Coast Divertech...
Open the catalog to page 15All VETUS catalogs and brochures
2024 - 2025 catalogue
456 Pages
Archived catalogs
EM® 2040C MKII
2 Pages