Vandal sails brochure


Catalog excerpts

Vandal sails brochure - 2

r$#e y^urt w<?ve gftiMtid T£ rtie aexT ueveu WITH Trte ewena. t? puuu xpua uf?a^>uT f?wt> f?M ff^«es5ive ^uruiwe Mf?*e THIS Ttie £Mo\ce p^a enfi Mas *T a^ua u$£f?u &f?fieua iwa^MJi^eb, f?wt> f?uftef?t>a ue^ewt>f?Pia, rne eweMa is ser T£ Tuart Heft&s. THe w>w duew flrtb saf=T 6rte??THc?6ue puex wiuu exru>t>e a^u* UIMITS itf sit>e-£Ff= cotit>iT\£>&$. * puuu xrua w?a$UT fcewvefis se^s^ws £>p UW^M^^MISI^ use. * f=£U>Bf?<3« Tf?£* pf?T£tfitf<5 f?Mi> stuuzcti Barren &UMpePis * to> set?MS &euaw *me F^T Barren 6ive Ad Ortwtee f=£* wet?* £>a * tie$r messes r^a* PAIRING WITH i^re^mu ti$tit>ue r*c>-...

Open the catalog to page 2
Vandal sails brochure - 3

t\00, Oft f? SWITCH CtiQCtiO Oft ft SfflU TttflT IS &UIUT T£ Sl£tf M£V£S wrroiw KMC**. (? *ev£ft& «at> eNio^y we S^FT eu?STi£iTy/ FUST refts^^flu ($ffUMTuer £F T*i£tfS. * « ui6*T£* ^MST^u^Ti^Ni uf?y^ur, wi-ro xpuy irt reftiMerert **£f?s, ^rews ur we Tftue rorewTK?u £>F M^ves. * M^ftdW UUFF pfltfeu r^vit>es Fuerr r^Fiues f?^t> f? sure*!*?* *i<2 * F£U>e>*£« T«?M Wdtfititf *rtt> siu^a ©flrrert &UMP6*S ^eer * M> se<?M5 &eu>w THe F^T &f?rrert 6ive to> £t-f??rt£e F^a we??* $a * new r*e&$et> r«?£* ptfmito* WITH meGmi* niddiJid *f?at>ue FW- * sure* rnoreaT entdHute ne«?t> r*&* *eer$ yau our rne

Open the catalog to page 3
Vandal sails brochure - 4

]>o $00 H«?ve T*<s>UBue &ueen$& ??T M^HT wnew IT'S wittMlf vftrtt>f?u t>euveptS THe <?t>t>iciT. THIS SIX Bfrrrea, tio-a$M Fftee*ifc>e s*?iu wiuu &e>r y^>u <>UT THe wf?Te*, Msrrepi THe co^\>\r\o^s. «?T vf?wt>t?u, we tfrt^w THAT eveay fti&e* se^fieTuy w<?ttre T<? KIP e? TAI^K He«e f?w> THe^e, s<> we PUT «? &i<$ eMpHssis £>rt MfweuveftSBiuiTy, TO <^>MpuiMe^T THe «?t>t>i^T's revert STf?BiuiTy «?M> TOr-ertt> iwertTiGu. SHf?fiirt<$ iiWfrfte- t>ie^TS £>F f? 6fie<?T supeflcipi<?ss s«?iu <?wt> « M>-£<?M Ffieefti&e Sf?iu, we * puuuepi pfi^Fiues 6ive y<?u ^ftsep^weft TO 6er pwwrtia^, eiTHefi ia uidHf...

Open the catalog to page 4
Vandal sails brochure - 5

Vff^MU'd FUUX IS £0* £f?flg>0rt *fc>M, IS G S£Ulfc> ftlf STl£tf MIM^IM^ Ttie ©ewepirs £f= ffti *I>M TO OU* rears ia AW flj=f=0*t>*e>ue r$d>*Q6e. THe f=uux p*£ is vMwu'fi p*eMieae taa* £<?*&£>a at>M &UILT sure* (?hit> UI0HT T£ UrtU>£* THe FDUU WeMTIftU £»F £0* SfllUS. Tf+lS r*e-r*e& &Qd>#et>tie <s>\ve>& oo* Sffius *M L)WM*T£*£t> peeuitttf UUTI THIS 75* £<?*&S>M St>M IS SPe£lFl£f?UUd t>£Sl£Nieb T£ MflT£f+ T^e UUFF d-URves £>u* f=fteeftit>e £f=Fe*ihi<3S. STUFF £rte i'N yaua aew <?t>t>i£T,

Open the catalog to page 5

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