Catalog excerpts

GEMINO PREDATOR Blend into the environment with the new Ursuit Gemino Predator drysuit! 1 690,00 € Estimated delivery time Manufacturer Ursuit DESCRIPTION Gemino Predator is the number one drysuit for shing and hunting. The drysuit is completely wind and water tight and keeps you dry and high a oat if you happen to fall into the water. It is manufactured from high quality Gore-Tex® Taslan material which is light weight but still robust. The M05-camou age details helps you blend into the environment. The crotch, knees and elbows have an additional layer of protective material to extend the lifetime of the drysuit. The neck seal and wrist seals are made of elastic neoprene which makes the use more comfortable. The neoprene is also warmer than i.e. latex in colder weather. The big hood can be adjusted to t perfectly by tightening or loosening four tensioners. The hood is eece-lined and can easily be opened with a zipper for a comfortable feeling. The suspenders are designed in a way so you can remove the pants without removing the top. The two-piece function makes it possible to wear the jacket and the trousers separately or you can attach them to get a drysuit. The pockets on the jacket are big and have splash proof zippers. The location of the pockets makes them easy to use even when wearing a life jacket. The Jacket is also equipped with three attached D-rings, one in the neck and two down on the back side. The D-ring in the neck can be used to hang the net from and the two others can be used to hang other equipment from. The pockets on the trousers are located on the front side of the thighs. The trousers are equipped with splash a guard that protects the socks and can be pulled on top of rubber boots or normal boots. The sleeve ends are equipped with tighteners."This is a perfect drysuit for hunting in cold and wet conditions, especially in the archipelago area."- says Janne who´s been testing the drysuit since last October. The drysuit is delivered in a black drysuit bag including the drysuit, 3mm neoprene gloves, hat, tube scarf and a user's manual. URSUIT OY Teijonkatu 3, FI-20750 Turku, Finland Tel. +358 20 779 8850 info@ursuit.com FACTORY OUTLET Open Wednesdays to Fridays 12.00 – 16.00
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