Catalog excerpts

Wetsuits & Drysuit Underwave is coming up... Our young brand is now growing fast. We worked hard for it and appreciate you being our customer. To fullfill your needs, and ours, we’ve done a lot of effort. First of all we’re shift our goods to production in the best factories. Design, moulding, and manufacturing is in countries reging from the far East to Europe. We ask you to do the testing all over the world. We hope you will enjoy our stuff, ride with it, use it and feel good with it. Go ahead, make our day. Ciao, the Underwave crew. Contents: page 4/19 Wetsuits & Drysuit page 20/27...
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Wetsuits & Drysuit 2012 Tatex-Kneepads. Strong & Flexible molded knee pads. Liquid-Seal Thermo-Skin is a low frictional barrier agains windchill. Smooth and warm. Liquid-Seal, It’s Watertight, Durable and Flexible. Stick-SKin Thermo-Flex RD-Cuffs ‘Reduced Diameter’-Cuffs. The best seal & perfect fit Extreme-Flex is the most stretchable lining available. Found on the inside of our suits, in red, black purple and green Perfo-Prene Thermo-SKin Tatex-Kneepads Bright-Flex has extreme flex character, jet is more durable. Recognisable by it’s shiny fiber, on outside & inside panels. Stick-Skin is...
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Wetsuits & Drysuit Imperial Fullsuit Sultan Fullsuit 5/3mm SC-Closure 5/3mm Smooth-Zip Simple & Clean neck closure. Soft edge, no rash. Thermo-SKin Smooth-Zip refers to the construction of the zipper. It’s assembled from the inside and therefore covered from windchill. Back-up behind the zipper gives an extra millimeter neoprene and keeps water out of the suit. Im p er Size: XS-S-M-L-XL ial lsuit Ful Art no.USTSU p +Frontzi l + Thermofex + Bright fe l x + RD -Cuff 2012 s+P erfo p rene + M ads olded kneep + rm Wa rt & mfo r co erio Sup th Size: XS-S-M-L-XL Art no.UWSTSU 6 7
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Wetsuits & Drysuit Sultan Fullsuit 3/2mm There are many different way’s to print. At Underwave we choose the best suitable way. Silky, Shiny, Thin and Flexible the best printing method is used for each purpose. Su lt an Size: XS-S-M-L-XL Fu Art no.UWST3SU it llsu zip +Blind l + Thermofex + Bright fe l x + RD -Cuff 2012 s+P erfo p rene + M ads olded kneep up +S rm Wa rt & mfo r co erio th 6 9
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Wetsuits & Drysuit Sultan Shortleg 4/3mm Sultan Long arm shorty 3/2mm Size: XS-S-M-L-XL Art no.UWSLSU Size: XS-S-M-L-XL Art no.UWLSSU Blin n+ ta Su l dzip l m o f ex + Ther + Bright fex + RD-Cuf l fs + Pe rfopre ne 2012 +M fort olde co m d kneepads + Superior th rm Wa & 6 11
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6/5/3mm Flex-Skin Atlantis SL Fullsuit Power-Flex Wetsuits & Drysuit Atlantis Fullsuit 5/3mm Power-Flex is the most durable neoprene lining. Positioned on the knees. Thermo-Plush Flex-Skin has the best flexibility and very low cold conduction due to windchill. Blind-Stitched Smooth-Zip Thermo-Plush keeps the heat like no other. Soft feel and maximum warmth. Smooth-Zip refers to the construction of the zipper. It’s assembled from the inside and therefore covered from windchill. Atl a Reinfocements Blind-Stitched & 3times glued. A Watertight, durable and flexible stitching method that...
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Wetsuits & Drysuit 3/2mm Atlantis Shorty 2mm Key-Pocket Atlantis Shortarm Size: XS-S-M-L-XL Key-Pocket, located on the inside of the zipper panel Art no.UWSHAT Velcro-Strap Thermo Top Thermo Top With Hood Size: XS-S-M-L-XL is ant A tl Art no.UWSAAT l ht fex + + Brig Size: XS-S-M-L-XL Power Flex kneepads + 2012 Art no.UTHTERM Superi or co mfo rt &W armth Size: XS-S-M-L-XL Art no.UTHTERMH 6 15
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Wetsuits & Drysuit Sultane Fullsuit Sultane Shorty 5/3mm 2mm Size: XS-S-M-L-XL Art no.UWSHW Su l ne ta Size: XS-S-M-L-XL t lsui Ful Art no.UWSWS ip +Blindz l + Thermofex + Bright fex l 2012 + Perfo pren e +M olde d knee or c pads + Superi ort omf th rm Wa & 6 17
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Wetsuits & Drysuit Breathable & Taped Double-Sealed Cuff Tizip-Waterproof Vostok Breathable Drysuit Size: S-M-L-XL-XXL Art no.UWDRY Vos tok 2012 Dry suit +Tiz ip + Bre ath a ble 3 laye rm ater ial + Dura ble re inforce m ents + nylon cuff extension 6 19
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Neoprene Accessories Extreme-Flex is the most stretchable lining available. Found on the inside of our Boots, Shoes & Gloves Thermo-Flex is Hydrofobic, Warm & Stretches. It has a metal coating for more heat. Flex-Skin Mat-Maz Jacket Flex-Skin has the best flexibility and very low cold conduction due to windchill. Grip-Print Internal-Split-Toe Rubber-Reinforcements Bright-Flex has extreme flex character, jet is more durable. Recognisable by it’s shiny fiber, on outside & inside panels. Thermo-Flex Bright-Flex Extreme-Flex Neoprene Accessories Size: S-M-L-XL ‘Reduced Diameter’-Cuffs. The best...
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Imperial Glove Imperial Hood Size: XS-S-M-L-XL Sultan Glove Size: XS-S-M-L-XL Atlantis Mitten Sultan Headband Size: S/M-L/XL
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Neoprene Accessories Imperial Boot Atlantis Boot 5/4mm 4mm Size: 38-46 Art no.UNATB Size: 38-46 Art no.UNIMB Atlantis Shoe 3mm Imperial Shoe 3mm Size: 38-46 Art no.UNATS Metalite Sock Size: 38-46 Art no.UNIMS 2012 Size: S/M-L/XL Art no.UNMS 6 25
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Lycra, Metalite & Quick Dry Imperial Beanie SL 3mm Imperial Beanie DL 3mm Size: S/M-L/XL Art no.UNIMBS Surf Cap Size: S/M-L/XL Art no.UNIMBD Size: One size Art no.UTHSC 2012 6 27
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Lycra, Metalite & Quick Dry Lycra, Meta Size: XS-S-M-L-XL Also available in black Also available in black Size: XS-S-M-L-XL Also available in white Also available in white
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Lycra, Metalite & Quick Dry Combo Boardshort Atlantis Lycra S/S Size: XS-S-M-L-XL Art no.UTHLAT Triton Shirt Size: XS-S-M-L-XL Combo Kite Pants Art no.UTHCB Size: XS-S-M-L-XL Art no.UTHTRI 2012 Size: XS-S-M-L-XL Art no.UTHCLSB 6 31
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Lycra, Metalite &Quick Dry Mat Hoody Black Team Hoody Mat Hoody Pink Mat Hooded Zip Welter Poncho Art no. UCMHZ Size: XS-S-M-L-XL Art no. UCMHB Size: XS-S-M-L-XL Size: XS-S-M-L-XL Paloma Poncho Art no. UCMHP Also available in white Size: XS-S-M-L-XL Art no. UCMHZ Art no. UCMHW Size: One size Art no.UTHPW Size: One size Art no.UTHPP 2012 6 33
Open the catalog to page 17All Underwave catalogs and brochures
Catalogue 2014
84 Pages
Windsurf & Sail 2014
76 Pages
2010 Underwave
22 Pages