Catalog excerpts
Diving- Main Bell Umbilicals Regardless of your specific supply umbilical requirement, Umbilicals International (UI) has the expertise to design and manufacture a suitable umbilical. Main Bell Umbilicals (MBU), Wet Bell Umbilicals (WBU) and Habitat Umbilicals are custom designed to comply with International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) standards, as well as being available with the required industry type approval (i.e. DNV-OS-E402-2004). The Bell Umbilical supplies a critical life support link to the professional diver within the diving bell; comprising of hoses for gas supply, gas reclaim, hot water supply, and also depth monitoring. Furthermore, the umbilical consists of custom designed cables that incorporate power and communication to the bell. In addition to the range of standard bell umbilicals that are offered by UI, there is also the option to collaborate with UI engineers. The engineers have extensive experience designing customized diving umbilicals and will provide solutions to meet the customer’s specific requirements. -E402-2004 Main Bell Umbilical • UDS51194 design Wet Bell Umbilical • UDS11679 design Habitat Umbilical • UDS10671 design
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ROV Tethers & Umbilicals
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Umbilical Termination
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