Catalog excerpts

Fishing- and aquaculture vessels
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ExtREME ENvIRONMENt – REquIRES hIgh quAlIty pROduCts for Fishingand Aquaculture vessels Very little differentiate the early seafarers from the high-tech vessels of today. The sea is still fiers and frightening; in fact even worse as today’s shipping and activities go further north than the boldest seamen of the past. More than ever, you need to put your faith in your skilled personnel and craftsmanship of your key suppliers. Quality manufacturers of marine products have the know-how to select materials and to combine them to provide you with top-notch products that you can depend on, and...
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in Stainless with 20-50 meters, 24v. Made 17. TEF 4740 Morsekeysteel. of21. supply. Brass Signal light control panel, ope power and Glass. Signal light control panel, Suez-, 2-pole Suez-, of Brass and TEF 2655 13. Glass. Panama-, St. Lawrence-canal switch and indicator 3. 9. / TEF LUMINAIRES 17. LUMINAIRES 9. TEF 2620 1102 2630 TEF 2457 15. 7 8. 10. TEF Panama-, / XFF 240 STEMS 7 1. 13. XFF16. St. Lawrence-canal 220 5.light 8. 4. and ROV SearchlightTEF 2870 LUMINAIRES TEF 2620 / TEF 2630 1. TEF Searchlight 2000W Halogen. TEF 287022. 1x150W Tubular ROV lights for 230V lights for 230V 1. 2....
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The experience and quality gives us the best competence to deliver the best
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TEF 2620/2630
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Navigationlight system
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Obstruction lights
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10 Pages
Tranberg Marine Brochure
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