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Tracker’s new 18 SC Fishing Team Edition makes the weekend angler feel like a pro By Steve Quinlan hen Tracker introduced a Fishing Team Edition of its 21-foot Tundra, it took off so fast that the company decided to offer a similar package with the 18-foot version, only with a few less features to keep the price down. Essentially, the 18 SC Fishing Team Edition was designed to target a broader market. Tracker designed the Tundra 18 SC to deliver a smooth, dry ride. After all, the tournament season begins when temperatures are still in the 40s, and if an angler gets wet in those conditions,...
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TRACKER TUNDRA 18 SC FISHING TEAM EDITION ■ The Tundra 18 SC Fishing Team Edition features an upgraded Minn Kota trolling motor (left) as well as Teleflex Sea Star hydraulic steering, a keyless ignition system, and upgraded Lowrance electronics. Holeshot was pretty solid taking into account the propping, averaging 7.8 seconds for three attempts. The prop on our test rig was a 21-inch Laser II, which was quite a bit of prop for this rig considering we reached maximum rpm of just 4950 when recording our top-speed numbers and the 150 OptiMax’s recommended wide-open throttle range is 5250 to...
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from the outside to the inside of the axle and then returns to the bearings. A swingaway tongue allows you to safely stow your rig in a standard 20-foot garage. CONSTRUCTION SECOND TO NONE ■ The 18 SC features four swiveling, sliding and locking pedestal seats. The driver and helm seats employ a shock-absorbing suspension system to soften the ride in rough water. that holds two small Plano trays, and on the portside there’s a second live baitwell. A crankingbattery compartment is located at the transom (starboard) along with an oil-reservoir compartment (portside) and a livewell control...
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