Catalog excerpts

accessori nautici nautical accessories
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L’azienda Nel 1990 Luigi Rizzelli crea un’azienda artigiana per la produzione di accessori nautici. La passione, la cura nei dettagli, il design e il continuo investimento nelle tecnologie più avanzate, ha dato la possibilità ai figli Antonio e Roberto di fondare la TR-Inox, oggi punto di riferimento in Italia e in Europa per la produzione di accessori nautici standard e su misura in acciaio inox e in alluminio, vernciati e non. In 1990 Luigi Rizzelli creates an handcraft company for nautical accessories manufacturing. Passion, attention to details, design and constant investment in...
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Certificazioni Per garantire un elevato standard sui nostri prodotti, adoperiamo le certificazioni idonee per offrire il meglio in termini di qualità e sicurezza. CERTIFICAZIONI CERTIFICATIONS TR Inox complies with the right Certifications to get top quality products and to ensure their safety.
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prodotti products
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serbatoi tanks
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Serbatoio carburante Serbatoio acqua Realizzato in acciaio inox AISI 304. Su ogni serbatoio viene effettuato il decapaggio per immersione. Realizzato in acciaio inox AISI 316L. Per i serbatoi acqua viene effettuato il trattamento della passivazione all’interno dello stesso. Made from stainless steel AISI 304. Every tank is subject to the full automated pickling. Water tank Made from stainless steel AISI 316L. Water tanks are protected inside with a special treatment that preserves the stainless steel from the water. SERBATOI TANKS Fuel tank
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Serbatoio carburante Realizzato in Peraluman 5754 Fuel tank SERBATOI TANKS Made from Peraluman 5754
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Realizzato in Peraluman 5083 Made from Peraluman 5083
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Bracket AISI 316L da L a XL Realizzato in AISI 316L lucido. Adatto per motori da L a XL. Bracket AISI 316L from L to XL Made from polished AISI 316L. Suitable for L to XL engine. SPECCHIO MOTORI CONTROPIASTRE SPECCHIO POPPA
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Bracket AISI 316L da XL a XXL Realizzato in AISI 316L lucido. Adatto per motori da L a XL. Bracket AISI 316L from XL to XXL Made from polished AISI 316L. Suitable for XL to XXL engine. SPECCHIO MOTORI SPECCHIO POPPA
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Bracket universale per motori da 300 CV Realizzato in AISI 316L lucido. Standard bracket AISI 316L for 300 hp engines Made from polished AISI 316L.
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Bracket universale per motori da 400 CV Realizzato in acciaio inox lucido AISI 316 L. Il prodotto può essere fornito anche verniciato. Standard bracket AISI 316L for 400 hp engines Made from polished stainless steel AISI 316 L. This product can be varnished.
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scale ladders
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Scala sottoplanica telescopica 3 gradini Realizzata in AISI 316L lucido. 3 steps under transom telescopic lander Made from polished AISI 316L. SCALE LADDERS
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Scala sottoplanica telescopica 4 gradini Realizzata in AISI 316L lucido. 4 steps under transom telescopic lander Made from polished AISI 316L. SCALE LADDERS
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Scala sottoplanica telescopica a pioli 3 gradini Realizzata in AISI 316L lucido. E’ possibile richiedere l’inserimento del logo aziendale. 3 step under transom telescopic dive ladder Made from polished AISI 316L.It’s possible to request the insertion of the company logo. SCALE LADDERS
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cod. 01.0714 SMALL 01.0715 STANDARD 01.0716 LARGE Scala sottoplancia senza frontino a 4 gradini Realizzata in AISI 316L lucido con gradini in Iroko. 4 step under transom ladder without front Made from polished AISI 316L with Iroko wood steps. SCALE LADDERS
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cod. 01.0750 SMALL 01.0751 STANDARD 01.0752 LARGE Scala sottoplancia senza frontino a 5 gradini Realizzata in AISI 316L lucido con gradini in Iroko. 5 step under transom ladder without front Made from polished AISI 316L with Iroko wood steps. SCALE LADDERS
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cod. 01.0753 SMALL 01.0754 STANDARD 01.0755 LARGE Scala sottoplancia senza frontino a 4 gradini + estraibile Realizzata in AISI 316L lucido con gradini in Iroko e chiusura a scatto. 4 steps extractable under transom ladder without front Made from polished AISI 316L with Iroko wood steps and snap closure. SCALE LADDERS
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cod. 01.0711 SMALL 01.0712 STANDARD 01.0713 LARGE Scala sottoplancia con frontino a 4 gradini Realizzata in AISI 316L lucido con gradini in Iroko e chiusura a scatto. 4 steps under transom ladder with front Made from polished AISI 316L with Iroko wood steps and snap closure. SCALE LADDERS
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cod. 01.0732 SMALL 01.0733 STANDARD 01.0734 LARGE Scala sottoplancia con frontino a 5 gradini Realizzata in AISI 316L lucido con gradini in Iroko e chiusura a scatto. 5 steps under transom ladder with front Made from polished AISI 316L with Iroko wood steps and snap closure. SCALE LADDERS
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cod. 01.0735 SMALL 01.0736 STANDARD 01.0737 LARGE Scala sottoplancia con frontino a 4 gradini + estraibile Realizzata in AISI 316L lucido con gradini in Iroko e chiusura a scatto. 4 steps + extractable under transom ladder with front Made from polished AISI 316L with Iroko wood steps and snap closure. SCALE LADDERS
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cod. 01.0756 SMALL 01.0738 STANDARD 01.0757 LARGE Scala sottoplancia stagna con frontino a 4 gradini Realizzata in AISI 316L lucido con gradini in Iroko e chiusura a scatto. 4 steps under transom watertight ladder with front Made from polished AISI 316L with Iroko wood steps and snap closure. SCALE LADDERS
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cod. 01.0758 SMALL 01.0759 STANDARD 01.0760 LARGE Scala sottoplancia stagna con frontino a 5 gradini Realizzata in AISI 316L lucido con gradini in Iroko e chiusura a scatto. 5 steps under transom watertight ladder with front Made from polished AISI 316L with Iroko wood steps and snap closure. SCALE LADDERS
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cod. 01.0761 SMALL 01.0762 STANDARD 01.0763 LARGE Scala sottoplancia stagna con frontino a 4 gradini + estraibile Realizzata in AISI 316L lucido con gradini in Iroko e chiusura a scatto. 4 steps + extractable under transom watertight ladder with front Made from polished AISI 316L with Iroko wood steps and snap closure. SCALE LADDERS
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Scala sottoplancia con maniglioni a 5 gradini Realizzata in AISI 316L lucido con gradini in Iroko. 5 steps under transom ladder with handles Made from polished AISI 316L with Iroko wood steps. SCALE LADDERS
Open the catalog to page 31All TR INOX catalogs and brochures
Catalogue 2024
68 Pages