Catalog excerpts
Mining and Materials Handling ThyssenKrupp Robins
Open the catalog to page 1Materials Handling Equipment Stacking, Reclaiming and Blending 4 Plant Conveyor Systems 7 Service and Spare Parts _ 1 ^J| ■;' Mining Equipment Bucket Wheel Excavators Spreaders Crushing Plants ^ L* f 11| Mine Conveyor Systems Heap Leaching Transport Crawlers
Open the catalog to page 2With years of experience and a World-wide list of installations, ThyssenKrupp Robins is fully capable of offering reliable, efficient and economical equipment to meet the specific requirements of the customer. The fields of activity are broad and diversified encompassing: • Mining and extraction of raw materials and minerals, such as coal and ore • Movement of earth and overburden • Crushing, classifying, milling, drying and filtering of raw and processed materials • Conveying, handling, lifting and transporting of bulk and piece goods • Storing, homogenizing and reclaiming of bulk...
Open the catalog to page 3Above: The world’s largest covered circular stacker / reclaimer blending bed built by ThyssenKrupp for a coal-fired power plant in New Brunswick. Stacking capacity: 2,500 tph. Reclaiming capacity: 1,200 tph. Top Right: A large portal scraper with two scraper booms in a cement plant in Florida. Overall capacity: 2,000 tph. Bottom Right: A-frame portal stacker / reclaimer in Texas. Rail gauge: 33.5 m. Stacking capacity: 272 tph. Reclaiming capacity: 272 tph. Storeyards play an integral part in the layout and operation of most materials handling systems. They serve as a storage area for raw...
Open the catalog to page 4Reclaimers collect the material With hundreds of references, from the pile and deposit it onto ThyssenKrupp has the storage the yard conveyor system. equipment for all applications. Several types are available incorporating scraper chains, rotating drums and bucket wheels. The method of reclaiming will determine the amount of blending between the various material grades in the pile. Top Left: Blending bed bridge-type bucket wheel reclaimer used in Australian coal handling. The bridge has two rakes to allow reclaiming in either direction. Capacity: 2,000 tph. Bottom Left: A circular...
Open the catalog to page 5Top Left: Crawler-mounted stacker with mobile belt system. A pre-requisite for building large stockpiles. Shown here is a stacker in South Africa. Capacity: 1,600 tph. Bottom Left: Polar radial stacker in northern Quebec. Boom length: 38 m. Capacity: 2,500 tph. Top Right: Traveling slewing and luffing stacker designed to handle phosphate in Louisiana. Boom length: 29.3 m. Capacity: 3,000 tph. Bottom Right: Traveling stacker built for an iron ore transshipment facility in Quebec City. Boom length: 40 m. Capacity: 2,500 tph. A major part of any large-scale stockyard operation is the stacker...
Open the catalog to page 6Conveyors are the common element in the mining, storing and processing phases of ore handling. Generally, plant conveyor systems run on prepared grades at the plant. They are module type structures, mounted on foundations or enclosed in steel galleries when elevated and inside the processing plant. Conveyors can be straight or with horizontal curves so that they avoid obstacles at the site. ThyssenKrupp has the ability to design and supply any type of conveyor system imaginable, whether it be conventional design, one that incorporates horizontal curves or one in the form of a pipe...
Open the catalog to page 7Above: Shiploadei located in Vancouver, British Columbia employed to load metallurgical and steam coal. Capacity: 7,000 tph. Maximum ship size: 250,000 DWT. Shiploaders and unloaders are the centerpieces of today’s modern terminals. They ensure accurate, reliable and sensitive movement of materials such as coal, coke, ores, fertilizers, and raw materials for the chemical industries. Our designs accept bulk commodities as well as boxes of bananas and bags of flour. Generally, shipoloaders can be divided into two main types.: Traveling Type Shiploaders Traveling shiploaders are mounted on...
Open the catalog to page 8Shipunloaders are also Divided into two main groups, namely: Grab Type Shipunloader The grab type unloader is the traditional method to unload a ship. It incorporates a bucket of appropriate size to satisfy the capacity. These machines travel alongside the ship. They remove the commodity and deposit it either in a hopper integral with the shipunloader or on the land behind the shipunloader. This style of shiopunloader is available in any capacity up to 5,100 tph with payloads as great as 85 tons. Continuous Type Shipunloader The continuous shipunloader incorporates a chain and...
Open the catalog to page 9Service and Spare Parts Left: Installation of semi-mobile crushing plants in a copper mine in British Columbia. Top Right: Assembly of a large bucket wheel. Bottom Right: Servicing equipment in the field. Next Page: Manufacturing of a tubular conveyor for a lead-zinc mine in Alaska. Plants and systems can only perform as well as maintenance and service allow. You can rely on ThyssenKrupp’s after sales specialists. They assist customers in a variety of tasks, from the planning phase through design. ThyssenKrupp’s after sales service department provides assistance in inspection and...
Open the catalog to page 10Mining Equipment Bucket Wheel Excavators Above: The massive Bucket Wheel Excavator at work in the Rheinbraun Mine, Germany. Top Right: Compact Bucket Wheel Excavator Type S-100. Bottom Right: View of a bucket wheel excavator working in deep-cut mode. The ThyssenKrupp program Encompasses a broad line of bucket wheel excavator systems designed to meet the specific demands of each project. Machines vary greatly in size and capacity, from standard design compact excavators operating at 4,000 m3 per day to custom built systems capable of handling as much as 240,000 m3 per day. Large bucket wheel...
Open the catalog to page 12Depending upon the mine plan, ThyssenKrupp Bucket Wheel Excavators can be supplied as a complete system with a connecting conveyor bridge and loading unit or as a single bucket wheel excavator with a discharge boom. In the latter case, a mobile transfer conveyor is usually employed between the bucket wheel excavator and the belt conveyor to reduce the frequency of shifting the bench conveyor. Our bucket wheel excavators are designed and constructed to withstand the rigors of twenty-four hour, year round operation under the difficult conditions and extremes found in open pit mines around the...
Open the catalog to page 13All ThyssenKrupp Fördertechnik catalogs and brochures
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