Catalog excerpts

Have More Fun Sailing With TenderConnect®! Take your dinghy piggyback ... ... and make yourself comfortable on the foredeck! THE NEW AND EASY WAY OF DINGHY TRANSPORTATION
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Get to know TenderConnect® – the new and easy way of Dinghy Transportation TenderConnect® is the new patented system of carrying your dinghy at the stern of a sailing or motor yacht. This is how it works: Connect your dinghy in a minute: Bring your dinghy in position, slightly lift onto the leash and let the dinghy trailer lock into the TenderConnect receiver on the boat stern. Pull the dinghy up on the leash thereby lifting the nose until it reaches ... ... an angle to the boats rear of about 70-80 degrees. The line is now attached to the backstay and the dinghy is safely stowed. Even...
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6 major advantages of TenderConnect®: 1. Extremely fast access to the dinghy in emergency situations 2. Outboard motor can mostly remain on dinghy during transportation 3. Night time theft proof storage and fastening 4. Easy landing of the ship, whilst the dinghy is safely stowed at the back of the yacht 5. Additional wheels for pulling the boat offshore – ideal for mooring buoys 6. No hindrance while sailing – safe even in strong wind and high waves The system consists of the following components: 1 The receivers, available in various designs and materials are mounted at the stern of the...
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TenderConnect at a glance! After having installed TenderConnect© you can take your dinghy piggyback in less than 90 seconds. And from now on it is safely stowed when tacking or in case of strong wind. Your foredeck is free for your passengers and you can fully concentrate on your sailing performance. Cantilever-adapter-set installed at your dinghy 2 receivers installed at your yacht See for yourself how it works tenderconnect.eu/videoandpictures Any questions - contact us: Phone: +49 172 85 63 146 eMail: info@tenderconnect.eu Internet: tenderconnect.eu TenderConnect® s4u GmbH |...
Open the catalog to page 4All Tender Connect S4U GmbH catalogs and brochures
TenderConnect Installation Guide
32 Pages