Product catalog:DGOstdcat
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Product catalog:DGOstdcat - 1

Innovative Technologies Standard Products

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Product catalog:DGOstdcat - 2

I his catalog will help you identify and select standard connection products from D. G. O'Brien, Inc. When you find the product you're looking for, please fax one of the EasyQuote forms (located in the last section of the catalog) to our offices. We will respond to your fax quickly with a price quote and product availability. Many items are available for immediate delivery. If you are interested in a specific product but would like additional information and/or installation specifications, please contact the factory or your local area representative, Fkuse mile; this collection is the "tip...

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Product catalog:DGOstdcat - 3

Catalog Directory / Product Briefs A rugged, metal shell connector series for submerged applications where reliability is crucial. Designs are based on Mil-C-24217. These plugs are designed to be molded to cables. • Glass-to-metal sealed pressure barrier in receptacles • Dual O-ring seals between plug and receptacle • Operating pressure: 0 to 6,500 psig (450 bar) • Basic body material: 316/3161. stainless steel (others available) Our simplest connector series, designed to accommodate 50 ohm cables. The receptacle contains integral glass-to-metal seals. Plugs can be provided with integral...

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Product catalog:DGOstdcat - 4

• Mil-C-24217 design (see Mil-Spec Cross Reference) • Glass to metal seal pressure barrier in receptacle tor maximum protection ol equipment (10,000 psig open (ace pressure capability) • Dual O-ring seals ■ Dual keys<120" standard, other MS options available) • Simple, tugged construction; excellent for instruments or equipment used in water or other harsh environments • Certain standard designs and sizes available from stock Pressure: 14 pin and above operate psig open lace Insulation Resistance: 5 Gofams at 500VOC Contact Ratings: Stze (awg) Test Operation Temperature Range: Physical...

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Product catalog:DGOstdcat - 8

Plug KltS, continued Right Angle Contacts PditNo. Attorn. NOM \OM NOM NOW durad [DvUenrioOlin uKht*i *Scc Note 7 on page 107-15

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Product catalog:DGOstdcat - 9

Conl* Is PdilNo. NOW NO\l Ihrran

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Product catalog:DGOstdcat - 10

Receptacles, continued flange Weld

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Product catalog:DGOstdcat - 11


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Product catalog:DGOstdcat - 12

RCCeptadeS. continued Contacts Part No. NOM NOM NOM NOU thread NOM

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Product catalog:DGOstdcat - 13

Receptacles, continued Lockout Flange (Dlmensionila inches.) • Note: Order spmer separately depending upon bulkhead thickness. Consult factory lor proper pari number.

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Product catalog:DGOstdcat - 14

O-RING tsee Note 10) (Dimensions in inches.) * txmsult Factory

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Product catalog:DGOstdcat - 15

Receptacles , continued Contacls Pari No. NOM NOM Thread ' Note: Tdilpiete is provided preinsldllcd: removal prior lo molding is

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Product catalog:DGOstdcat - 16

Pressure Proof Caps (standard)

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Product catalog:DGOstdcat - 17

Pressure Proof Caps Diameter Thread

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Product catalog:DGOstdcat - 18

1. All plug kits and receptacle styles shown in pin patterns up to and including 14#I6 are available for immediate delivery in limited quantities. 2. I). G. O'Brien, Inc. can terminate Plug Kits and Receptacle Kits tocable(s) of your choice at competitive prices. Please call us or fax your requirements to us for a 3. 120° Keying is standard. Alternate keys are available in accordance with Mil-C-24217 (i-e. 90", 135°. 150", and 165°). Consult factory for details. 4. For mounting details, replacemeni parts, installation instructions, tools, etc., please request the Technical Data sheet for...

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Product catalog:DGOstdcat - 19

Mil-Spec Cross Reference to DGO 107 Series Pari Numbers

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Product catalog:DGOstdcat - 20

Mil-Spec Cross Reference to DGO 107 Series Pari Numbers, continued Note: for - lXX part numbers, consult factor)'.

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Product catalog:DGOstdcat - 21

(ilass-to-me(al seal pressure barrier in receptacle for maximum protection ol equipment (I l),(XX> psig open face pressure capability) Dual O-ring Seals-a primary face seal with secondary piston seal Simple, durable construction; excellent for cameras or instruments used in or around water or other harsh environments. Available from Stock Frequency Range Insulation Resistance: Max Operating Current; J Amps Temperature Range; Coupling Ring; ( Note: Alternate materials options are available, consult factory for details.) Plug Assembly For general use (including shallow water, non-critical...

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Product catalog:DGOstdcat - 22

Coax Contact Cable Accommodated

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Product catalog:DGOstdcat - 23

Receptacle Kits (Standard) "X" O-RING & BACKUP RING BOTH ENDS Back-up Ring Coax Contau Cable Accommodated (Dimensions in inches. n/a=not applicable)

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Product catalog:DGOstdcat - 24

Coax Plug Cable Assemblies (Standard, straight, single-ended) Plug Cable Assembly Plui* («iblp Assembly. Straight. Single-tnded Cable Length' Cable Diamelef 'others available

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Product catalog:DGOstdcat - 25

Pressure Proof Caps (Standard)

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Product catalog:DGOstdcat - 26

t. All items shown arc available from stock lor immediate delivery. 2. D. G. O'Brien, Inc. can terminate Plug Kits and Receptacle Kits to cable(s) of your choice at very competitive prices. Clall the factory or fax for a quotation. 5. Plug Kits are available for the following additional Mil-C-17coax cables: For these cable* the Coax Contact may change. Consult factory for the correct 4. I Afferent cable lengths are available; consult factory for specific Assy No., price, 5. Standard Cable Assembly test pressure is 2,000 psig (138 bar). If higher test pressures are required, please advise...

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Product catalog:DGOstdcat - 27

High density, low cost design: 6-55 contacts in l.875 0ork*ss Glass-lo-metal seal pressure barrier in receptacle for maximum Dual keys; scoop-proof; 120° standard (others available upon request) Single O-ring seal in plug-receptacle interlace Simple, rugged construction; excellent for cameras or instruments used in or around water or other harsh envimrrnirrtts Available from stock for quick delivery Insulation Resistance: Contact Ratings: Temperature Range: Coupling Rings: (Note: Alternate materials options arc available, consult factory for details.>

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Product catalog:DGOstdcat - 29

PlUg KitS (Standard) Contacts Part No. NOM NOM Thread 0-rint>

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Product catalog:DGOstdcat - 30

Receptacle Kits BOTH ENDS (straight thread tube fitting per SAE J514)

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Product catalog:DGOstdcat - 31

Receptacle Kits (Standard), continued BOTH ENDS Bulkhead Splice

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Product catalog:DGOstdcat - 32

Pressure Proof Caps Diameter Thread (Dimensions in indies. 1: Thread options same as "Fur Plugs" above.)

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Product catalog:DGOstdcat - 33

1. All plug kits and receptacle styles shown in pin patterns up to and including 55*20 are available for immediate delivery in limited quantities. 2. I >. (.. O'Brien, Inc. can terminate Plug Kits and Receptacle Kits to cablc(sl of your choice at competitive prices. Please call us or fax your requirements to us for a 3. 120" Keying is standard. Alternate keys arc available. Consult factory tor details, 4. For mounting details, replacement parts, installation instructions, tools,etc., please request the Technical 1 >ata sheet for the specific Plug Kit or Receptacle you are 5. Many of the...

Open the catalog to page 33

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