ODI Nautilus WM10-250
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Catalog excerpts

ODI Nautilus WM10-250 - 1

ELECTRICAL PRODUCTS NAUTILUSTM WM10-250 • Three Way • 6/10(12)kV • 250 Amps • 4,350 psi Ambient N a u t i l u s TM W M1 0 -2 5 0 In n o va tive Su b sea Power RO V Wet -Mat eable Connect or designed f or use in d e e p sub se a p u mp in g , p ro cessing & boost ing applicat ions wher e high pr essur e and t empe ra t ure p er fo r ma n ce a n d sur v iv abilit y ar e mandat or y. NautilusTM contact features unique dual redundant oil-filled provide a subsea, wet-mateable connection chambers providing enhanced mechanical between components requiring high voltage Since each phase is fully shielded, the Teledyne ODI’s experience with the industry- connector system can be operated wet or dry, standard NautilusTM electrical wet-mateable allowing motor operation on dry land or deep connector providing a reliable sealing and water applications. mating mechanism throughout the life of FULL LINE OF ELECTRICAL PRODUCTS: An ODI ROV Shuttle Assist Mating System is incorporated into the design to aid in the Teledyne ODI’s NautilusTM WM10-250 is mating and demating operation to reduce • NautilusTM Connectors— designed with the benefit of advanced material Standard and Chemically Resistant (CR) science testing and certification with insulation and redundant sealing systems for reliable • Down-hole Connectors performance in long-term harsh environments. • FACT – Electrical Field Assembled Cable Termination The wet-mate connectors are designed based • Subsea Power Connectors on ODI’s field proven Nautilus™ technology. The connection systems are tested beyond industry standards and in addition to two independent electri

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ODI Nautilus WM10-250 - 2

Te l e d y n e O D I i s a w o r l d l e a d e r i n s u b s e a e l e c t r i c a l a n d f i b e r o p t i c interconnect systems for offshore oil and gas, defense, oceanographic, and telecommunication applications. G E N E RA L S P E C I F ICAT IO NS Operational Depth: Operational Pressure: Receptacle: 4,350 psi Compensated Plug: 5,300 psi Internal Differential Operational Temperature: Storage Temperature: Subsea Mate/Demate Cycles: Mate/Demate Force: Configurations Available: E L E C T RI C A L S P ECIFICAT IO NS Number of Circuits: Operational Voltage: Operational Current: 220 Amps...

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