ODI Ceramic Penetrator P10-250
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Catalog excerpts

ODI Ceramic Penetrator P10-250 - 1

ELECTRICAL PRODUCTS P10-250 • 10KV; 250 amps • Ceramic penetrator withstands extreme pressures and P 10 - 2 5 0 Su b sea P o wer C era mic P en etr at or Designed for use in deep subsea pumping, processing & boosting applications where highpressure and temperature penetrations are necessar y. temperatures • Maximum depth: 10,000 ft strength, high dielectric strength, and superior power. The penetrator extends through the environmental resistance required by pump wall or bulkhead of the vessel in which the applications. Three single phase penetrator equipment is located and is connected to assemblies are configured to provide 3 phase medium voltage cables for an external power supply. In subsea pumping applications, the penetrator housing and interface utilize as penetrator is exposed to the pumping pressure Standard and Chemically Resistant (CR) insulator, which provides the high mechanical high pressures, high temperature and high • NautilusTM Connectors— penetrator design is a conductor with a ceramic penetrator provides a reliable barrier at RELATED PRODUCTS: Teledyne ODI’s P10-250 subsea electrical much standard hardware as possible in order which creates an extreme environment in terms to provide a field-proven interface to subsea of pressure, temperature and high power. The penetrator transfers power to the motor as well Additional applications include oil separation as maintains a pressure barrier between the units, water injection pumps, and boosting internal pressure of the motor and the external units, and atmospheric chambers. • Down-hole Connectors seawater pressure. • FACT – Electrical Field Assembled Cable Termination • Subsea Power Connectors temperature variations. At the core of the features qualified materials to accommodate expansion and contraction as a result of

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ODI Ceramic Penetrator P10-250 - 2

Te l e d y n e O D I i s a w o r l d l e a d e r i n s u b s e a e l e c t r i c a l a n d f i b e r o p t i c interconnect systems for offshore oil and gas, defense, oceanographic, and telecommunication applications. G E N E RA L S P E C I F ICAT IO NS Operational Depth: Operational Pressure: Operating Temperature: Storage Temperature Range: Super Duplex E L E C T RI C A L S P ECIFICAT IO NS Operational Voltage: Operational Current: CONTACT: Teledyne ODI (Daytona Beach) odi@teledyne.com tel: +1 386 236 0780 1026 North Williamson Boulevard, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 tel +1 386 236 0780 • 888...

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