Electrical Feedthrough System for HPHT Horizontal Subsea Tree Completions
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Catalog excerpts

Electrical Feedthrough System for HPHT Horizontal Subsea Tree Completions - 1

ELECTRICAL PRODUCTS ELECTRICAL FEEDTHROUGH SYSTEM • Fully qualified • Highly reliable electrical connection for downhole gauges • Glass-to-metal sealing technology Electrical Feedthrough System for HPHT Horizontal Subsea Tree Completions The DGO Electrical Feedthrough System aggressive production and packer fluids as (EFS) is designed for intelligent completions well as sour well (H2S) conditions, rigorous in horizontal High-Pressure, High-Temperature system, component and material qualification (HPHT) subsea Christmas Trees (XT). This tests have been successfully completed on the design, verifying its robust capability. reliability circuit for transmitting electrical signals from downhole gauges (DHG) through • Glass-to-metal Sealed Pressure Barriers (3 places) • Underwater, High Pressure Wet Mateable Connections • Rig Testable Interface Seals The system incorporates Teledyne DGO high integrity glass-seal technology in three critical pressure barriers for maximum long-term reliability in combination with a wet mate connection between the Tubing Hanger and the XT outlet. Moreover, a permanent rigbased DHG cable termination is completed to connect the DHG control line to the EFS. This DHG connector is available with a variety of sealing packages, including fully testable, dual metal-to-metal sealing of all downhole • Modular Design to Suit Varying Installation Envelopes • Standard Ø1/4” (6.35mm) DHG Control Line Interface • Simple, Fast, Proven DHG Connector Rig Terminations • Dual-Barrier Philosophy: - Primary & Secondary Metal Seals Throughout DHG Connector, TH & XT Interfaces - Redundant Sealing at all Interfaces • Oil-Filled, Pressure-Compensated Wetmate Connection System and SCM Harnesses • ISO 10423 (API-6A) Compliant: - Exceeds U-X Temperature Class Tubing Hanger interfaces. - Product Specification Level 3 – PSL 3 & 3G Designed for long-term reliability in the subsea and - Performance Requirement Level 2 – PR2

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Electrical Feedthrough System for HPHT Horizontal Subsea Tree Completions - 2

S i n c e 1 9 6 2 , Te l e d y n e D G O h a s b e e n d e s i g n i n g a n d p r o d u c i n g s u b s e a interconnections, using extensive experience to provide long-term, reliable solutions for the subsea oil and gas market. Electrical Feedthrough System G E N E RA L S P E C I F ICAT IO NS Operational Depth: Operational Pressure (psi/bar): Test Pressure: Operational Temperature: Storage Temperature: Subsea Mate/Demate Cycles: Design Life: ME C H A N I C A L S P ECIFICAT IO NS ( m a x i m um s ) Axial Misalignment: Angular Misalignment: Radial Misalignment: Actuation Speed: E L E C T RI...

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