Catalog excerpts
Four-Stroke Two-Stroke PARSUN DISTRIBUTORS Suzhou Parsun Power Machine Co.,Ltd Add:No.567 Lian Gang Road,SND,Suzhou,Jiangsu,China 215151 Suzhou Parsun Power Machine Co.,Ltd
Open the catalog to page 1"itam«»a«Bfl^/j^*s^ T=a»«(¥ffi), R=im JMGW, i=m -T=n»«ft *Propeller choice will vary by boat sbs and appfcatton. T^ack control (Tiller control) R^ront control (Remote Control) S-Short shaft L^ong shaft -rciectr
Open the catalog to page 2"Propeller choice will vary by boat size and application. *B=Back control (Tiller control) F=Frant control (Remote Control) I S=Short shaft L=Long shaft -D=Hydraulic elevator -T=Electric tilt Item^g Modeljaj^ Overall width_f&g._rnm(in.) Overall height_f&m_mm(in.) Transom height fefjUS^g mm(in.) Full throttle operating =_1_„.!ei_J=» , . Maximum output WckM(&$]% Idling speed (Neutral) j§tj§(®tB) Engine type ffjjWggg Ignition system_apfrgSS__ Control system fiSSSS Starting system_EStSiBt__ Gear positions BStSttB Trim and tilt system tifflmmtii _ Fuel tank capacity «S»fW* L Max. fuel...
Open the catalog to page 3Maximum output SAMHKMi Idling speed (Neutral) Engine type gWWtW! Ignition system IfcfeSSt__ Control system jga%ift__ Gear positions ftfflfltM Gear ratio_fiOtb__ Trim and tilt system <jft<g£t£8t _ Fuel tank capacity L_ Max. fuel consumption M^Mifai&feM L/h Engine oil capacity #SWtiS* (Without oil filter) agaMBftW L Gear oil capacity StattS cm* Tiller control | Remote I Manual start + Electric start" *Propeller choice will vary by boat size and application. *B=Back control (Tiller control) F=Front control (Remote Control) M^Uanual start W=£lecbic start+Manual start S=Short shaft L=Long shaft
Open the catalog to page 4•Propeller choice wl vary by boat ab» and application. "B=Back control (Tiller control) F=Frofrt control (Remote Control) M=Manual rtart W=aecto-fc start+Manual rtart S=Short shaft L=Long shaft Overall length_j§£__mmCr.) Overall width_MX__ Overall height_ttM_ Transom height_ftaffeKlt Full throttle operating , . fangB ftfcWSBSjS r/mln Maximum output ftfcBtfBW Idling speed (Neutral) ffi£(£flN Engine type BOTOX stroke_flgxffS Ignition system tek»*E Control system Starting system BttKft Gear positions_MMfttB Trim and tilt system ISfettttatt Fuel tank capacity flBilSS* Electric start + Manual...
Open the catalog to page 5Tropefcr choice will vary by boat stza and application. *B-B*ck control (TBw control) Wront control (Remote Control) M-Manual start W^tectric stert+Manual start S-Short shaft LHjong shaft "Propeller choice wll vary by boot sb» and application. *B4ack control (nier corrtroO F-Front control (Remote Control) M-Manual start W-Electrtc start+Manual start S-Short shaft L^ong shaft
Open the catalog to page 6•Propeller chotea wS vary by boot sbs and application. control (Tiller control) Wont control (Remote Control) FiW*snual start W^tectrtc stwt+Mam«y start S=Short shaft L=Long shaft "External fuel tank Is an option. Overall width Overall height Transom height FullMjhrottle operating Maximum output Mc*M\iflt)& Idling speed(Neiitral) jgft(£|t) Engine type Ignition system Control system Starting system Gear positions Gear ratio Trim and tlft system mm*& Fuel tank capacity Max. fuel consumption fcUfciSfg Engine oil capacity Sfttfc'tBa (without oil filter) HX&flftrift) Propeller options*...
Open the catalog to page 7•Propelter choice wfl vary by boat stea and application. *B=Back control (Tiller contral) F=RotH control (Remote Control) E=Etectric start M=Manual start VY-Badric start+MariuaJ start S-Short shaft L^ong shaft X^Jttra-toog -D-Hydraulic elevator -T4sctric tilt "Propeller choice will vary by boat size and appleatton. *B-Back control fjlller control) F-Front control (Remote Control) Electric start M-Manual start Wr-Electnc starHManual start 8-Short shaft LH-ong shaft X-URra-long -D-Hydraullc elevator -T-EJectrlc W
Open the catalog to page 8•Propeller choice will vary by boat aba and appfcaUon. *B-Back control (Tiller control) F^ront control (Remote Control) E^lectric start M-Manual start W=Etedrtc start++Aanuai start S=Short shaft L=Long shaft X= Ultra-long ^Hydraulic etovator -T=Electrlc tilt •Propeller choice wB vary by boat aba and application. *B=Back control (Tiler control) F=Front control (Remote Control) E^lectric start M=Manual start W=Becb1c start+Manual start S=Short shaft L^ong shaft X=Ultra-long -D=HydnuSc Btevator -T=Electrlc Ult
Open the catalog to page 9"Propeller choice will vary by boat ab» and applcattoa *B-Back control (Tiller controO Wront control (Remote Control) M-Manual start W-Beetle start+Manual start S=Short shaft L=Long shaft -T=Etectrlc Ult Electric start+Manual start Ignition system Control system Starting system Gear positions Trim and tilt system Fuel tank capacity Mbdng ratio Propeller options* H&iftfttt I in 3-n%"Xi2,or3-ii)S"xi3 *Prapaler choice wfl vary by boat size and application. *B=8ack control (Titer control) F=Froot control (Remote Control) M=Manual start W=Electrtc start+Manual start S=3hort shaft L^ong shaft
Open the catalog to page 10•Propeller choice will vary by boat size and anpfcatlon. *B-Back control [Tiller control) F-4=rpnt control (Remote Control) M-Manual start W-ElecWc start+Manual start S-Short shaft L-Long shaft
Open the catalog to page 11"Propeller choice wfl vary by boat size and application. *B*ack control (Tiller control) FH=ront control (Remote Control) NMtanual start W-Electric start+Manual start S-Short shaft LN-ong shaft
Open the catalog to page 12■Propeller choice will vary by boat size and apptcaUoa *B-Back control (Tlll»r control) F^ront control (Rsmoto Control) MHtanual start W-B»ctrte start+itanual start S-Short shaft L-Long shaft F^rotHe operating Maximum output Idling speed(Neutral Engine type Ignition system Control system Starting system Trim and Bit system ffizmmm Fuel tank capacity fuel consumption m*mmm I Uh Propeller options' Wtmm *Prop»llar choice wrll vary by boat sba and application. *B=Back control {THIer control) F=Front control (Remote Control) M=Manual start V^Beetrtc start+Manual start S=Short shaft LFLong shaft...
Open the catalog to page 13All SUZHOU PARSUN POWER MACHINE CO catalogs and brochures
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Archived catalogs
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