Catalog excerpts
Four-Stroke Two-Stroke PARSUN DISTRIBUTORS Suzhou Parsun Power Machine Co.,Ltd Add:No.567 Lian Gang Road,SND,Suzhou,Jiangsu,China 215151 Suzhou Parsun Power Machine Co.,Ltd
Open the catalog to page 1Transom height MtiSMSt Maximum power Jfc*afj$ operation speed SffWi continuous output (fttfifl)* Rated voltage Motor efficiency Control system Gear positions Trim and tilt system tjjfefrftgfe Gear oil capacity ttffrM Propeller options* Foiwart -Neutral -Reverse ■Propeller choice wll vary by boat sbs and application. *T-Back control (Tiller controO FWront control (Remote Control) S-Short shaft L-Long shaft -T-Electric tit eSeartc omboards stearic otnboartis ■Propeller choice will vary by boat size and appBcatton. *TOack control (Tiller control) R^ront control (Remote Control) S-Short shaft...
Open the catalog to page 2Hernia Modeljaj^ Overall width_f&g._mm(in.) Overall height_f&m_mm(in.) Transom height *fl<lffi^g mm(in.) Full throttle operating =_1_„.!ei_J=» , . Maximum output WckM(&$]% Idling speed (Neutral) jgj§OB) Engine type ffjjWggg "Propeller choice will vary by boat size and application. *B=Back control (Tiller control) F=Frant control (Remote Control) M=Manual start W=Electric start+Manual start S=Short shaft L=Long shaft -D=Hydraulic elevator -T=Electric tilt Ignition system_j&'X&M__ Control system fiSSSS Starting system_EStSiBt__ Gear positions BStSttB Trim and tilt system tifflmmtii _ Fuel...
Open the catalog to page 3*Propeller choice will vary by boat size and application. *B=Back control (Tiller control) F=Front control (Remote Control) M^Uanual start W=£lectric start+Manual start S=Short shaft L=Long shaft
Open the catalog to page 4•Propeller choice will vary by boat ste and applcaHon. *B-Back control [Tiller control) F^ront control (Remote Control) M-Manual start W-EtecMc starHManual start S-Short shaft L-Umg sh
Open the catalog to page 5*Propsfcr choice will vary by boat stza and application. *B-B*ck control (TeW control) Wront control (Remote Control) M-Manual start W^tectric start+Manual start S-Short shaft LHjong shaft "Propeller choice wll vary by boot sb» and application. *B4ack control (Tiler control) F-Froat control (Remote CortroQ M-Manuai start W-Electrtc etanHWanual start S-Short shaft L^ong shaft
Open the catalog to page 6"Propeller choice wS vary by boot sb» and application. *&«ack control (Tiller control) FH=ront control (Remote Control) FiW*snual start W^tectrtc stwt+Mam«y start S=Short shaft L=Long shaft "External fuel tank Is an option. Overall width Overall height Transom height Fjl'*rotile operating Idling speed(Neiitral) ejS(Sflt) Engine type Bora X Stroke Slffix fi^ | mmfjn.) 59.0X415 (2.32X151) Ignition system Control system Starting system Gear positions Gear ratio Trim and tlft system mmm Fuel tank capacity Max. fuel consumption fcUfciSfg Engine oil capacity Stttfc'tBa twithoutoil filter)...
Open the catalog to page 7•Propeller choice wl vary by boat sbs and application. *B=Back control (Tiller control) F=Ront control (Remote Control) E=Etect7lc start M=Manual start WWedric startfflanual start S-Short shaft L^ong shaft X^Jttra-toog -O-Hydrauic elevator -T^toctric tilt "Propeller choice will vary by boat size and applcatton. *B-Back control fjlllw control) F-Front control (Remote Control) Electric start M-Manual start W-Electrtc start/Manual start S-Short shaft LH-ong shaft X-Ultra-long -D-Hydraullc etevator -TtCtoctric t«
Open the catalog to page 8■Propeller choice will vary by boat size and applcation. *B-Back control (Tiller control) F^ront control (Remote Control) E-Electrlc start M-Manual start W-Etactrfc atari/Manual start S-Short shaft L-Long shaft X-Ultra-tong -D-Hydraulk: elevator -T^lectrtc fl
Open the catalog to page 9"Propeller choice will vary by boat ab» and appfcatJon. *B-Back control (Tiller controO Wront control (Remote Control) M-Manual start W-Beetle start+Manual start S=Short shaft L=Long shaft -T=Etectrlc Ult Electric start+Manual start IgnWon system Control system Starting system Gear positions Trim and tilt system Fuel tank capacity Mbdng ratio Propeller options* H&iftfttt I in 3-n%"Xi2,or3-ii)S"xi3 *Prapaler choice wfl vary by boat size and application. *B=8ack control (TSer control) F=Froot control (Remote Control) M=Manual start W=Electrtc start+Manual start
Open the catalog to page 10•ifUSaiJWatdR^^'J^**!^ *B-S«S(¥S»)> F=flfii*(jl£), r^^fflB, W-*@ft/^», S=&»u LHBft •Propeller choice will vary by boot size and sppftcatlon. *B-Back control [Tiller control) F-front control (Remote Control) M-Manual start W-Eleetrlc start+Manual start S-Short shaft L-Long
Open the catalog to page 11"Propeller choice vM vary by boat size and application. *B*ack control (Tiller control) FH=ront control (Remote Control) NMtanual start W^lectrtc start+Manual start S-Short shaft LN-ong shaft
Open the catalog to page 12*Propeller choice will vary by boat size and appscaUoa *B-Back control (Tiller control) F^ront control (Remote S-Short shaft L-Long shaft F=flHME(®e). M=^m. w=wmi*m. s=m. Control) M-Manual start W-Bectnc start+Manual start Overall width Overall height Transom height Maximum output Idling speed(Neutral Engine type Ignition system Control system Starting system Gear positions Trim and tilt system ffizmmm Fuel tank capacity Gear oil capacity WftflHI cm* Propeller options* WSUHfitii in |_3-7.B-XB.IT_ •Propeller choice wll vary by boat she and application. *B=Baek control (Tlllef control)...
Open the catalog to page 13■mmmtMmiM^mmm ^ssmm^m), F=w»«(ae)> M=?S», wf=*mras s=£*i, L=W* *Propefcr choice will vary by boat size and application. *B=Back control CTfcr control) F=Front control (Remote Control) M=Manual start W=Electric startHHanual start S=Short shaft L=Loog shaft
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