Various ELM 05 Use of AIS
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Various ELM 05 Use of AIS - 1

USE OF AIS Target groups Deck - Management Deck - Operational Ship types Generic Purpose: The e-learning module is designed for theoretical training of navigators in accordance with Chapter II of the STCW Convention in the part concerning use of Automatic Identification System. What is an e-learning module? E-learning module is the electronic textbook on one or more sections. Theoretical materials can be accompanied by drawings, diagrams, photos, animations and videos. There is a test for assessment of knowledge gained at the end of each section. Contents: • AIS concepts • AIS data • AIS ship installations • Use of AIS at sea

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Various ELM 05 Use of AIS - 2

E-learning module Regulations Table A-II/1 STCW Code Competence: Maintain a safe navigational watch Knowledge, understanding and proficiency: The use of information from navigational equipment for maintaining a safe navigational watch. Table A-II/2 STCW Code Competence: Maintain safe navigation through the use of information from navigation equipment and systems to assist command decision-making

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Various ELM 05 Use of AIS - 3

E-learning module USE OF AIS SOLAS regulation V/19 - Carriage requirements for shipborne navigational systems and equipment sets out navigational equipment to be carried on board ships, according to ship type. In 2000. IMO adopted a requirement for all ships to carry automatic identification systems (AISs) capable of providing information about the ship to other ships and to coastal authorities automatically 41 Bridge procedures It is important that the use of AIS is covered in the ship's bridge procedures. These should cover at least the following aspects: Cautions concerning the making of...

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