Various ELM 02 Marine Environmental Awareness
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Various ELM 02 Marine Environmental Awareness - 1

E-learning module MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS Purpose: The e-learning module is designed for theoretical training of seafarers in accordance with STCW Convention in the part concerning prevention of pollution of the marine environment. What is an e-learning module? E-learning module is the electronic textbook on one or more sections. Theoretical materials can be accompanied by drawings, diagrams, photos, animations and videos. There is a test for assessment of knowledge gained at the end of each section. Contents: • Introduction. Sustainable shipping and the marine environment • Environmental challenges. Environmental impact of discharges to the sea, oil, chemicals, sewage and solid waste. • Enviromental challenges. Emissions to air, greenhouse gases. Other emissions to air. Introduction of invasive species including ballast water. Other impact on the marine environment; noise, antifouling, ship recycling. Target groups Deck - Management Deck - Operational Deck - Support Engine - Management Engine - Operational Engine - Support Ship types Generic

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Various ELM 02 Marine Environmental Awareness - 2

E-learning module MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS Regulations Table A-II/1 STCW Code Competence: Ensure compliance with pollution prevention requirements Table A-II/2 STCW Code Competence: Monitor and control compliance with legislative requirements and measures to ensure safety of life at sea and the protection of the marine environment Table A-II/3 STCW Code Competence: Ensure compliance with pollution prevention requirements Table A-II/5 STCW Code Competence: Apply precautions and contribute to the prevention of pollution of the marine environment Table A-III/1 STCW Code Competence:...

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Various ELM 02 Marine Environmental Awareness - 3

E-learning module MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS 3.1 Weathering processes Oil, when spilled at sea. will normally break up and be dissipated or scattered into the marine environment over time. This dissipation is a result of a number of chemical and physical processes that change the compounds that make up oil when it is spilled. The processes are collectively known as weathering. Oils weather in different ways. In general, compounds will evaporate into the air, dissolve in the water, or stay on the water surface. These general processes are shown in figure. After an oil spill, the oil will...

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