Catalog excerpts

E-learning module PERSONAL SAFETY AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES Purpose: The e-learning module is designed for theoretical training of seafarers in accordance with Section A-VI/1 of the STCW Code in the part concerning personal safety and social responsibilities. What is an e-learning module? E-learning module is the electronic textbook on one or more sections. Theoretical materials can be accompanied by drawings, diagrams, photos, animations and videos. There is a test for assessment of knowledge gained at the end of each section. Contents: • Introduction. • Comply with emergency procedures. • Take precautions to prevent pollution of the marine environment. • Observe safe working practices on board the ship. • Contribute to effective communication on board ship. • Contribute to effective human relationships on board ship. • Actions to control fatigue. Target groups Deck - Management Deck - Operational Deck - Support Engine - Management Engine - Operational Engine - Support Ship types Generic Regulations • Table A-VI/1-4 STCW Code • IMO Model course 1.21 "Personal safety and social responsibilities"
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E-learning module 2.1. TYPES OF EMERGENCY WHICH MAY OCCUR (COLLISION, FIRE. SHIP FOUNDERING AND OTHER EMERGENCIES) In accordance with the Code of the International Standards and Recommended Practices for a Safety Investigation into a Marine Casualty or Marine Incident (Casualty investigation Code) marine casualties are classified according to the events they are associated with which occurred during the ship operation and resulted in: • direct or potential (unless prevented) peril to the ship or people on board ship or other persons or environment, which is referred to as a marine incident;...
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