Passengers ELM 01 Passengers safety, cargo safety and hull integrity training
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Passengers ELM 01 Passengers safety, cargo safety and hull integrity training - 1

Purpose: Target groups The e-learning module is designed for theoretical training of seafarer in Deck - Management accordance with Chapter V of the STCW Convention in the part concerning Deck - °perati°nal of passengers safety, cargo safety and hull integrity. Deck - Support What is an e-learning module? E-learning module is the electronic textbook on one or more sections. Theoretical materials can be accompanied by drawings, diagrams, photos, animations and videos. There is a test for assessment of knowledge gained at the end of each section. Engine - Management Engine - Operational Engine - Support Ship types Generic Contents: • Loading and embarkation procedures • Carriage of dangerous goods • Securing cargoes • Stability, trim and stress calculations • Opening, closing and securing hull openings • Ro-ro deck atmosphere Regulations p.5 Section A-V/2 STCW Code IMO Model course 1.29 "PROFICIENCY IN CRISIS MANAGEMENT AND HUMAN BEHAVIOUR TRAINING INCLUDING PASSENGER SAFETY, CARGO SAFETY AND HULL INTEGRITY TRAINING"

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Passengers ELM 01 Passengers safety, cargo safety and hull integrity training - 2

Planning for safe loading and discharge Effective planning is one of the key elements of safe loading/discharge operations. Most accidents and near misses which occur could be avoided Ro-Ro operations should be planned and executed in a way that minimises risks to those involved in the operation. While the handling of various types of cargo is to a great extent routine, unique or unusual situations with additional or specific hazards may be encountered, in these situations, an additional or more detailed nsk assessment will be required Planning of these operations should include...

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