NPCNS Navigation Plotting and Celestial Navigation Simulator
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NPCNS Navigation Plotting and Celestial Navigation Simulator - 1

Simulator NPCNS NAVIGATION PLOTTING AND CELESTIAL NAVIGATION SIMULATOR Purpose: Target groups NPCNS Simulator is intended for training of: - cadets of the navigation faculties in accordance with requirements of Sections A-II/1, A-II/2, as related to gaining navigation plotting skills, and B-II/1 p. "Training in celestial navigation" of STCW Convention at the early stages of training - small craft navigators List of basic knowledge and skills, worked out with the use of NPCNS simulator: - Work with the nautical chart. - Position fixing with the use of different methods with the application of simulators of navigational equipment. - Execution of preliminary route plotting and route monitoring. - Conducting of main types of navigational calculations, required during the vessel is on the way. - Use of astronomical instruments and teaching aids for the aims of vessel's position fixing and heading indication system adjustment reckoning in real time mode. Configuration Navigators in accordance with requirements of Sections A-II/1, A-II/2, as related to gaining navigation plotting skills, and B-II/1 p. "Training in celestial navigation" of STCW Convention at the first stages of education Ship types Generic Regulations • STCW Code, Sections A-II/1, A-II/2 • STCW Code, Section B-II/1 p.19 "Training in celestial navigation" Standard set of NPCNS contains the following software: - Instructor WorkPlace - Exercise editor - Student WorkPlace - Electronic chart of the area "Ports Vysotsk and Vyborg (North-Eastern part of Gulf of Finland)" Extended set additionally includes: - set of nautical charts, - specialized chart table. Instructor on the Instructor WorkPlace issues to each Student WorkPlace advance made exercises, consisting of one or several navigation or astronomy tasks. For task solution each student being on its "virtual" vessel has the possibility to: observe surface picture and sky, take readings from the navigation equipment and astronomic instruments imitators, use "paper" nautical charts and astronomic tables.

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NPCNS Navigation Plotting and Celestial Navigation Simulator - 2

SimulatorNPCNS NAVIGATION PLOTTING AND CELESTIAL NAVIGATION SIMULATOR Results of performing calculations on each task are saved on Student Workplace. After performing of the full exercise results of calculations are sent to Instructor WorkPlace where automatic valuation is made. Instructor WorkPlace software Instructor WorkPlace is intended for control of the students' training process and provides possibility to: - assign advance made exercises to Student WorkPlaces - make amendments to the exercise conditions - control of student included tasks status - monitor the way points, current...

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NPCNS Navigation Plotting and Celestial Navigation Simulator - 3

SimulatorNPCNS NAVIGATION PLOTTING AND CELESTIAL NAVIGATION SIMULATOR • position-finding (observation) by landmarks with the use of Radar simulator and visual monitoring: o by bearings and distance; o by 2 bearings; by 2 distances; o by 3 bearings; by 3 distances; o by 2 horizontal angles; o by cross-bearing method. • pilotage (student should go through all the given waypoints), among them in the presence of wind and current. in nautical astronomy • determine sextant corrections by horizon, star, Sun observation; • determine chronometer correction; • measure celestial altitudes with the use...

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NPCNS Navigation Plotting and Celestial Navigation Simulator - 4

Simulator NPCNS NAVIGATION PLOTTING AND CELESTIAL NAVIGATION SIMULATOR Models of the student’s vessels: • • cargo vessel small craft

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NPCNS Navigation Plotting and Celestial Navigation Simulator - 5


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