Catalog excerpts

Simulator LBS DAVIT-LAUNCHED LIFEBOAT SIMULATOR Target groups Deck - Management Deck - Operational Deck - Maintenance Engine - Management Engine - Operational Ship types All ships Purpose: LBS Davit-launched lifeboat simulator is intended for drilling practical skills of candidates for a certificate of proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats in accordance with requirements of Sections AVI/2 (Table A-VI/2-1) and other crewmembers in accordance with requirements of A-VI/1 of STCW Code (Table A-VI/1-1). LBS tackles the task of gaining competencies, which earlier were not accessible in the Training Center due to the disadvantages of its technical resources: • impossibility of internal combustion engine's start in the premises or closed pools, • absence of applicably big and customized water area, • complexity of rough weather simulation, • adverse climatic conditions in impossibility of internal combustion engine's start in the premises or closed pools the open air. Implementing of simulator into the training process will provide training center conformity with new 2023 revision of IMO Model Course 1.23 on Proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats. New revision emphasizes practical training sessions, that require access to a navigable river, lake or the sea, preferably in harbour or estuarial waters. The practical drills and evaluation could be carried out aboard a ship, making use of its equipment and facilities. At the same time, the training elements of the practical drills and exercises related to the launch, recovery, operation and maneuvering of lifeboats and rescue boats, including night drills, drills into rough seas, and drills in ice covered waters may be conducted using simulation. Training elements related to equipment familiarization and survival craft seamanship should still be delivered using an actual survival craft conforming to the LSA Code. Content and functions Innovational simulator consists of real equipment: a lifeboat, launch- and lifting appliance and embarkation station, which allow drilling embarkation and disembarkation of crew members, launch and lifting of lifeboat.
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Simulator LBS DAVIT-LAUNCHED LIFEBOAT SIMULATOR 3D visualization system of the surfaced plant and specialized modified equipment (steering wheel, engine remote control handle, engine control panel) are implemented inside the cabin. These allow drilling the following practical skills: • engine operation; • maneuvering the lifeboat clear of ship's side, • handling and maneuvering of lifeboats in different weather conditions, including rough seas, and at night. • steering the lifeboat by compass. • assembling liferafts and rescue of persons in distress at sea, • intentional grounding of...
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