Catalog excerpts

Crew Knowledge Assessment Software Purpose: Knowledge Assessment Software 1.0 (KAS) is designed for a comprehensive assessment of seafarers' knowledge in accordance with the STCW Convention and other international legislation regulating maritime safety and prevention of environmental pollution. DNV SeaSkill has verified that the software application Knowledge Assessment Software "KAS", Version 1.1 provided by our company has been assessed in relation to Part B of the STCW Code, Chapter B-I/6, para. 11 and the competencies listed in part A of the STCW Code and confirmed that tasks and questions in KAS cover STCW Code Chapters A-II, A-IV, AV/2, A-V/4 and A-VI. DNV Statement of Compliance officially approves that KAS can be used for comprehensive assessment of master and deck department subject to a vessel's type (including ships operated in Polar Waters and passenger ships), installed equipment (RADAR, ARPA, ECDIS) and designated duties (security, fast rescue boats), as well as GMDSS radio operators. KAS can be used for face-to-face and distance testing at: Test task's database: In the database, all test tasks are systemized by competences associated with the particular position. It stores an information about content of tests, issued to a candidate. Currently the KAS database includes about 3000 test tasks for crew personnel. The set of seafarers' positions available for the comprehensive testing, as well as the list of tests, that can be issued within the detail testing, are determined by license agreement with the customer. The database can be delivered entirely or in parts, each of them includes test tasks for comprehensive testing of determined set of positions and for detailed testing by certain competencies. KAS is designed in accordance with the STCW Code, Section B-I/6 "Guidance regarding training and assessment" in the part "Guidance for assessing a trainee's progress and achievements by training by distance learning and e-learning". KAS consists of: 1. Test tasks' database 2. Server application and 3. User web-applications: • Administrator's Workplace that allows registering users and initiating Test tasks' database updates. • Examiner's Workplace that is used for issuing tests on the Candidate's Workplaces, as well as for creating new tasks with help of Test Tasks Constructor. • Candidate's Workplace, where a candidate is passing a testing.
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Crew Knowledge Assessment Software KAS KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT SOFTWARE (1.0)
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