Catalog excerpts

TRAINING PACKAGE FOR FIRE-FIGHTING TECHNIQUES Target groups Ship crew Ship types All types Purpose: Training package is intended for theoretical training, drilling practical skills and knowledge evaluation of seafarers in fire prevention and advanced fire-fighting. Regulations and conformity Training package conforms with: • • Sections A-V/1-1, A-VI/1-2 and A-VI/3 of STCW Code IMO Model Courses 1.20, “Fire Prevention And Fire Fighting” and 2.03 “Advanced Fire Fighting” E-learning module (ELM) “Fire prevention and fire-fighting” ELM “Advanced training in firefighting” AFS Advanced firefighting simulator KAS Knowledge Assessment Software with “Safety test” data
Open the catalog to page 1
TRAINING PACKAGE FOR FIRE-FIGHTING TECHNIQUES ELM “Fire prevention and fire-fighting” ELM “Advanced training in firefighting” AFS Advanced firefighting simulator AFS Advanced firefighting simulator AFS Advanced firefighting simulator KAS Knowledge Assessment Software with “Safety test” database
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