Catalog excerpts

FFLBS FREE FALL LIFEBOAT SIMULATOR Purpose Target group FFLBS Freefall lifeboat simulator is intended for training of personnel working on ships equipped by freefall lifeboat in accordance with STCW Code: • Section B-I/14, 1.1 ‘Guidance regarding the responsibilities of companies and recommended responsibilities of masters and crew members’, • Section A-VI/1 ‘Specification of the minimum standard of competence in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats’, • Section A-VI/1, Table A-VI/1-1 ‘Specification of minimum standard of competence in personal survival techniques’. The simulator can be used to train the coxswains of free fall lifeboats operated on mobile offshore units in accordance with OPITO standard "Offshore Lifeboat Coxswain Training" Implementing of simulator into the training process will provide training center conformity with new 2024 revision of IMO Model Course 1.23 on Proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats. New revision emphasizes practical training sessions, that require access to a navigable river, lake or the sea, preferably in harbour or estuarial waters. The practical drills and evaluation could be carried out aboard a ship, making use of its equipment and facilities. At the same time, the training elements of the practical drills and exercises related to the launch, recovery, operation and maneuvering of lifeboats and rescue boats, including night drills, drills into rough seas, and drills in ice covered waters may be conducted using simulation. Training elements related to equipment familiarization and survival craft seamanship should still be delivered using an actual survival craft conforming to the LSA Code. Knowledge and skills The simulator allows to drill the following skills: • • • • boarding lifeboat, freefall launching, clear the ship’s side, handling and maneuvering of lifeboats in different weather conditions, including rough seas, and at night. Deck - Management Deck - Operational Deck - Support Engine – Management Engine – Oper
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FFLBS FREE FALL LIFEBOAT SIMULATOR Structure The simulator includes the following equipment and software: • • • • • embarkation station, free fall lifeboat model, which is part of a real fire-retardant lifeboat, conforming with LSA Code. 6 DoF dynamic platform, computer and video equipment, software that ensures the operation of the simulator. Operational scheme Students, while on the embarkation station, board the lifeboat, fixed on a 6 DoF dynamic platform. A coxswain takes place at the steering wheel. After boarding and preparation the coxswain initiates freefall launching. An important...
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FFLBS FREE FALL LIFEBOAT SIMULATOR Computer and video equipment CCTV is installed in the cabin and outside with the output of information to the instructor's workplace, and with the possibility of recording and archiving exercises. Monitors are installed in place of the portholes to display the visualization of the surface situation. Software The software consists of: • Instructor WorkPlace (IWP), • Student WorkPlace (SWP), • Dynamic platform control module, • Module for processing commands from the lifeboat controls. IWP functions: • choice of the navigation area; • adjusting: - wave...
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FFLBS FREE FALL LIFEBOAT SIMULATOR Dynamic platform control module The module controls the dynamic platform in order to ensure its movement along the trajectories corresponding to the freefall launching and emergence, as well as the behavior of the lifeboat on the water surface in rough weather. Module for processing commands from the lifeboat controls The module ensures processing commands from the following controls: • engine control panel buttons, • throttle, • steering wheel, • release devices, • top light button, • search light button. Methodical guidelines for using the simulator The...
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FFLBS FREE FALL LIFEBOAT SIMULATOR Additional options The simulator can be supplied with e-learning modules for theoretical education, multimedia training software for practice, and Knowledge assessment software for testing. Configurations FFLBS can be delivered in the following configurations: • FFLBS-A1 - full mission, on the dynamic platform, сlass A, • FFLBS-A2 - full mission, without dynamic platform, сlass A, • FFLBS-B - with simplified cabin and real control organs, сlass B, • FFLBS-C - computer version with pseudo-real control organs, сlass С. Regulation VI/2 STCW Convention,...
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Open the catalog to page 12All STORM SIM catalogs and brochures
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