Catalog excerpts

ONE PUMP SPUTSTOUT SPLJTFLEX CONTINUOUS SWEPT LEADING EDGE LEADING EDGE DRAFT STAINLESS STEEL POOVVER LOCK N-LOAD CHICKEN STABILIZERS STEERING DUG OUT LOOP One f\imp is the industry's Proven $mgle-point nftation system. A'-ows you to inflate yovt entire kite w\ 1 step, using 1 value, with no pinching ol the valves ACTIVE STOPPER BALL On-the-fly adiustment and customization ol chK*en loop throw while reducing/eliminating the constant bar pressure associated with sheeting especially in light vwd conditori* Split strut is our patented strut technology featured on al of our LEI kites SpMstrut is the integration of the strut and canopy imo one solid wing. The evolution of our patented Splitstnjl architecture results in less weight and added performance, Splitflex incorporates a bghtweightftapered carbon batten that allows the inflated strut to be reduced by 1/3 of the overall length Splitflex grues the rider the ability to centre! the trailing edge of the kite - very similar to the way a pilot Urns the wmgs of the plane on take oil and landing LEADING EDGE DRAFT STABILIZERS Canopy profile remains rigid in gusty conditions. CONTINUOUS SWEPT LEADING EDGE Reduced weight and increased wingtip rigidity Easy to STAINLESS STEEL POWER STEERING DUG OUT Reduces bar pressure, increases turning speed, and prevents wear and tear on the chicken loop hne* LOCK-N-LOAD CHICKEN LOOP Safe and immediate no load release in any situation
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LEGENDARY SLINGSHOT MARK CLOTH LEGENDARY SLINGSHOT CONSTRUCTION SELF RESCUE HANDLES Safely self-rescue with webbed handles on the inside SURE GRIP LEADER L «ES Our 07 Leader line is longer, stronger, and safer than ever before With O\M new special braided grip, n makes it easier to grasp when re-launchng on snow. MARK CLOTH SCUFF GUARDS Protects high-wear areas on the leading edge. MARK CLOTH LE REINFORCEMENT Significantly reduces the repa* cost of canopy tears MARK CLOTH REINFORCED TRAILING EDGE Mart; cloth renforcement on the trailing edge - increases durability and wean helps to reduce...
Open the catalog to page 2
STRUT TIGHT TAIL PIPES REDUNDANT SAFETY BOLTON SPLITSTRUT LEADING EDGE LOOP TO LOOP BRIDLE ATTACHMENT POINTS NIPPLE PLACEMENT YCLLOW POWER BALL STRUT TIGHT TAIL PIPES REDUNDANT SAFETY OH SHIT HANDLES Located on each 51de lor sell landing and redundant safety BOLT ON SPLITSTRUT LEADING EDGE \-.-/-r redesigned patented Slingshot ËpMstrut "boil on" tetfmo*ogy The LINK * the only hybrid kite availaWe today with SpJitstrut integrated strut canopy connection. Splitstnjt adds to the kites' durafrtty, reduces weighi and is the secret behnd the kites stability and good manners. One test flight and...
Open the catalog to page 3All SlingShot catalogs and brochures
Archived catalogs
2007 link manual
6 Pages
07 SX Tech
2 Pages
07 Misfit Tech
2 Pages