Catalog excerpts

Index Introduction Stabilizer systems 10 Introduction 12 Boat stability 18 Stabilizer features 20 Actuators 22 Systems 24 Technical details and measurements Thruster systems OCEAN BORN. TECH BRED. 32 Thruster finder 34 Main features 36 Variable speed control 40 DC electric tunnel thrusters 44 Ignition Protected tunnel thrusters 48 AC electric tunnel thrusters 52 Hydraulic tunnel thrusters 58 Retractable thrusters 64 External thrusters 70 Accessories: panels, remote controls, cables, main switches Windlass finder Windlass models Panels and remote controls Accessories: rollers, anchors,...
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Our story We are a Norwegian technology driven company, focused on creating world leading products and solutions of uncompromised quality to improve safety and comfort at sea. As boaters we know what safety at sea means. So, we don’t let our solutions slip out of sight for a second; We manufacture them ourselves, using technologies we have developed ourselves – and we work in close parthership with boat builders and our global service network to ensure optimal function throughout their lifetime. This is Sleipner Established in Norway in 1908 with more than 113 years of experience. Sleipner...
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The boat builder’s choice Leading boat builders worldwide choose Sleipner for performance, reliability, ease of installation, and unrivaled safety features. This commitment to quality and product development has made the Sleipner range of thrusters the industry benchmark. The world’s finest reference list Our focus on quality, reliability, and continuous improvement has led an overwhelming number of the world’s leading boat brands to our customer list. Sleipner solutions are also When choosing a Sleipner product, you choose a product invented, engineered, and manufactured for boaters - by...
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Stabilizer systems Sleipner’s Vector fins™ is the only top performing stabilizer system for both cruising and at anchor-use. The fins’ patented, unique shape reduces drag and improves fuel efficiency – translating more of their power into actual roll stabilization. Enhanced comfort and safety with none of the drawbacks from flat
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Introduction guide 55% less side effects Vector Fins™ systems Stabilizer systems have been used on larger passenger ships and superyachts for a long time. With ever more compact and efficient systems, boat owners can now enjoy the better usability and comfort on leisure vessels of all sizes. However, it is not always so clear what type of stabilization system to choose because the two leading technologies (fins and gyros) have significant functional differences, meaning that no one type suits all boats or all owners’ cruising priorities. Key things to consider • Choose the right...
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Performance of different stabilizer technologies A stabilizer system with Vector Fins is the only system that effectively handles both cruising and at anchor situations. Due to their design, gyro stabilizers provide a constant force to stabilize a yacht, while fin stabilizers increase the forces by the square of the speed which makes a big difference. Vector Fins are up to 30% more efficient when cruising and up to 50% more efficient when anchoring. Unwanted additional effects in terms of yaw and swaying can be reduced by up to 55% compared to flat fins. Gyro stabilizers require a start-up...
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Introduction guide Vectorthe physics Fins - it’s all about Most boaters who have ever had a stabilised boat would never buy another boat without. Most stabilizer systems on the market today will make a huge impact on onboard comfort, safety and second hand boat value. However, there are important technological and effeciency differences that must be considered to choose the optimal system for a given boat. The two most common roll reducing systems on the market today are gyro and fins. It is well established that fins are better for those who want effective stabilization both at anchor and...
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Introduction guide Vector Fins The most efficient stabilizer system on the market Rolling around at sea is something most people will prefer to avoid if they can. With the modern stabilizing systems available on the market today, they do reduce the risk of becoming seasick by 80-90 percent. Another aspect worth considering is plain and simple onboard safety. Let’s forget about seasickness and general onboard comfort for a while. A roll of just a few degrees impacts your footing onboard. Unexpected swells catch you off guard and send objects flying around. We’ve all been there. A stabilized...
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Vector Fins™ Vector Fins™ – a revolutionary generation of fin stabilizers Fin stabilizers is the only system that handle well both cruising and “at anchor” use, with the “at anchor” stabilization force deciding the size of the fins. Vector Fins™ – a simple solution to a complex problem! The Vector Fins™ stabilizers dramatically improve the roll reduction efficiency while at the same time reducing undesired yaw and sway motions caused by active fins. The fins are made as a “one shot” vacuum injected vinylester process over pre-shaped core material in a closed mold method. Designed with...
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Advantages of a centralized hydraulic power system • High efficiency for moving and holding high loads • Proven and reliable technology • Most used power system on boats from 60-70 feet and larger • Can power many applications from one central hub • Low maintenance • Silent operation Actuators The height inside the boat is often the key measurement to allow for installation in modern boats. The Sleipner actuators are typically 25% to 75% lower than others. They are constructed for easy installation and minimal noise reproduction. Size of Sleipner actuators compared to other brand actuators...
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Compact, quiet and easy to install Hydraulic Power pack for standalone installations This a complete hydraulic power unit (HPU) for installations where the vessel does not have a hydraulic thruster system. All of the hose and wire connections are pre-installed, allowing for faster system install and startup in the field. All connections are focused on two sides of the tank, allowing installation in confined spaces. Courtesy of Ferretti Group We also offer pre-connected and easy to install central hydraulic systems with S-Link™ CAN bus system. Power pack Material Type Copyright All rights...
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