1 / 13Pages

Catalog excerpts

KL30 - 2

Carena colorata, finiture in teak e motorizzazione personalizzabile, … il KL30 ti invita ad esprimere al meglio la tua eleganza. Hull color and engines customizable, teak finishing, … KL30 simply invites you to express the must of your elegance. Couleur de coque et motorisation personnalisables, finitions teck, … le KL30 vous invite simplement à exprimer toute votre élégance.

Open the catalog to page 2
KL30 - 3

Spinto da due motori 4 tempi da 250 a 300 HP. Powered by two 250 to 300 HP four-stroke engines. Sentez la puissance de deux moteurs 4 temps de 250 à 300 CV.

Open the catalog to page 3
KL30 - 4

YOU AND THE OPEN SE A La libertà di navigazione e la sportività di un open uniti al comfort ed all’abitabilità di un cruiser dal design innovativo. A great power and an outstanding comfort, the freedom of an open enclosed in the leisure luxury of an innovative designed cruiser. La liberté de navigation et la sportivité d’un open liée au confort et à l’habitabilité d’un cruiser au design innovant.

Open the catalog to page 4
KL30 - 5

E XPRESS YOUR ELEGANCE Due sedute al posto guida in pelle ultra-chic, una dinette esterna confortevole, l’elegante presenza del teck. Two pilot seats in smart leather, a comfortable deck lounge, the elegant presence of teak. Deux fauteuils de pilotage en cuir ultra-chic, un salon de pont confortable, la présence élégante du teck.

Open the catalog to page 5
KL30 - 6

11 Uscire dai sentieri battuti verso nuove destinazioni grazie ad una perfetta tenuta di mare. Break away from tradition and try out new destinations thanks to perfect manoeuvrability. Sortir des sentiers battus et s’offrir de nouvelles destinations grâce à une parfaite tenue en mer.

Open the catalog to page 6
KL30 - 7

Il salone vi immerge in un’atmosfera molto cocooning. Cocoon yourself in the inviting lounge. Le salon vous entoure d’une atmosphère très cocooning.

Open the catalog to page 7
KL30 - 8

Il salone rivestito in pelle e velluto si trasforma in un’ampia zona riposo. The lounge with its leather and velvet furnishings turns into a spacious and comfortable bed. Le salon habillé de cuir et de velour se transforme en un grand couchage confortable.

Open the catalog to page 8
KL30 - 10

Portata persone Persons capacity Posti letto Capacidad para dormir Peso senza motore Weight without engine Poids sans moteur Lunghezza omologazione Planing speed Velocidad planeo Cruising speed Vitesse moyenne TEST engine 2 X 250 Hp (YAMAHA F250 AETX) Propulsion system Serbatoio carburante Fuel capacity Réservoir essence Serbatoio acqua Fresh water capacity Serbatoio acque nere Toilet holding tank Réservoir eaux usées Deposito aguas residuales Dimensioni letto prua Couchette avant Dimensioni letto poppa Stern berth Couchette arrière Dimensioni prendisole prua Bain de soleil avant Project...

Open the catalog to page 10
KL30 - 11

A CRISPY AND STYLISHED DESIGN Linee tese, prua squadrata, scafo muscoloso, cockpit ispirato all’automotive, il design KEY LARGO che nasce dalla matita di Christian Grande, fa sempre la differenza. Da sempre innovatore, anticipatore e creatore di tendenze. KL 34 inboard Taut lines, squared bow, powerful hulls, automobile-inspired console; with Christian Grande’s flair the KEY LARGO design has always stood out for its difference. Never a follower and always a pioneer, the design has been a trend setter since its beginnings. Lignes tendues, avant carré, coques “musclées”, console à...

Open the catalog to page 11
KL30 - 12

Art direction and Graphic design : Photo : Jérôme Kélagopian, Jean-François Romero www.sessamarine.com - mail@sessamarine.com - Phone (+ 39) 0363 946500 Tutti i dati e le immagini riportati sul presente catalogo sono puramente indicativi. Sessa Marine si riserva il diritto di variare le caratteristiche dei suoi prodotti senza alcun preavviso. All information and pictures present on this catalogue is for indication only. Sessa Marine reserves the right to vary datas of its products without notice. Les données et images du présent catalogue sont indicatives. Sessa Marine se réserve le droit...

Open the catalog to page 12

All Sessa Marine catalogs and brochures

  1. 2022 KL27

    9 Pages

  2. F 68 & C68

    25 Pages

  3. C44

    15 Pages

  4. C38

    15 Pages

  5. C54 / F54

    25 Pages


    25 Pages

  7. FLY 42

    4 Pages

  8. C48

    13 Pages

  9. C42

    4 Pages

  10. KL 40

    4 Pages

  11. FLY54

    19 Pages

  12. C54

    17 Pages

  13. KL 24

    11 Pages

  14. 2016 KL27

    13 Pages

  15. KL 36

    13 Pages

  16. KL 34

    15 Pages

  17. C68

    21 Pages

  18. Fly 54

    19 Pages

  19. C 48

    13 Pages

  20. KL24

    11 Pages

  21. FLY 47

    17 Pages

  22. KL 20 One

    13 Pages

  23. KL 27

    13 Pages

  24. C32

    11 Pages

  25. C35

    5 Pages

  26. C 54

    17 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. DORADO 26

    5 Pages

  2. KL 27 2012

    12 Pages

  3. DORADO 36

    1 Pages

  4. DORADO 22

    1 Pages

  5. S26

    6 Pages

  6. C38_2011-2012

    39 Pages

  7. 2009/2010

    13 Pages

  8. C43

    10 Pages