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Catalog excerpts

DORADO 26 - 1

DORADO INboard INBOARD Lo stile fluido di Dorado 26 delinea spazi estremamente flessibili. Dalla prua il profilo scende come un'onda. La cabina accoglie il sole dal tettuccio scorrevole e il vento dai finestrini laterali, fondendosi con il grande pozzetto attraverso la porta trasparente. Il tavolo può essere montato dentro o fuori e sparisce sotto il letto matrimoniale. Mentre la cucina si nasconde sotto il sedile del pilota. Qui la libertà trova sempre nuove forme. Sur le Dorado 26, la cabine accueille agréablement le soleil par le toit ouvrant et l'air par les fenêtres latérales. La table peut être montée dedans comme dehors et elle s'escamote sous le lit à deux places. Ici la liberté prend toujours de nouvelles formes. The fluid style of Dorado 26 outlines some extremely flexible spaces. From the stern its profile draws down like a wave. Light flows into the cabin from a sliding roof while the wind seeps through the lateral windows, mixing themselves in the wide cockpit through a transparent door. The table can be fixed up indoors and outdoors and can be hidden under the double berth. Also the kitchen can be hidden under the pilot's seat. This is the place where even freedom feels free. El estilo fluido de Dorado 26 delinea espacios extremadamente flexibles. Desde la proa el perfil baja como una ola. La cabina acoge el sol desde el toldo deslizable y el viento desde las ventanillas laterales, fundiéndose con la gran bañera mediante la puerta transparente. La mesa puede ser montada adentro o afuera y desaparece bajo la cama matrimonial. Mientras que la cocina se esconde debajo del asiento del piloto. Aquí la libertad encuentra siempre nuevas formas. DO26 DO26 SEA MOTION 15

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DORADO 26 - 2


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DORADO 26 - 5

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS CARA C TERIS TIQUES Lunghezza omologazione CE EC Certifying length Longueur d'approbation CE Eslora certificado CE Portata persone Serbatoio carburante Serbatoio acgua Serbatoio acgue nere Boiler acgua calda Total length Longueur Male Eslora Total Persons capacity Weight with engine Poids avec moteur Propulsion system Fuel capacity Reservoir essence Fresh water capacity Toilet holding tank Reservoir eaux usees Deposito aguas residuales Boiler agua caliente Project category piede poppiero / stern drive Tempo di planata_Planing time_Temps de dejaugeage_Tiempo de...

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All Sessa Marine catalogs and brochures

  1. 2022 KL27

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  2. F 68 & C68

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  3. C44

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  4. C38

    15 Pages

  5. C54 / F54

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    25 Pages

  7. FLY 42

    4 Pages

  8. C48

    13 Pages

  9. C42

    4 Pages

  10. KL 40

    4 Pages

  11. FLY54

    19 Pages

  12. C54

    17 Pages

  13. KL 24

    11 Pages

  14. 2016 KL27

    13 Pages

  15. KL 36

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  16. KL 34

    15 Pages

  17. C68

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  18. Fly 54

    19 Pages

  19. C 48

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  20. KL30

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  21. KL24

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  22. FLY 47

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  23. KL 20 One

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  24. KL 27

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  25. C32

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  26. C35

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  27. C 54

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Archived catalogs

  1. KL 27 2012

    12 Pages

  2. DORADO 36

    1 Pages

  3. DORADO 22

    1 Pages

  4. S26

    6 Pages

  5. C38_2011-2012

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  6. 2009/2010

    13 Pages

  7. C43

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