SEACON-DS-0103 MMK 12#28 CCP & CCR Rev 2


Catalog excerpts

SEACON-DS-0103 MMK 12#28 CCP & CCR Rev 2 - 1

DESCRIPTION This connector pair was designed to be mounted on a Soldier's helmet and easily blind mated while the helmet is being worn. Due to this fact, a lightweight yet hearty design was critical in order to meet rigorous demands. The device was also designed to be dull in color so as not to reflect light and compromise the soldier's position. KEY FEATURES · Push-on pull-off design with built in latch finger · Blind mateable both wet and dirty · Fungus Resistant · EMI (Electro Magnetic Interference) resistant design · Lightweight, small, and short · Large polarization key for blind mating DESIGN RATINGS & TESTING · Mated and un-mated over 3,000 times · Tested to 500 psi · EMI resistance: 80 dB Max Attenuation for 10 GHZ signal · Water resistant and tolerant of dirt MATERIALS · Titanium Grade 5 Per ASTM B 348 · Peek (Optional) 1700 Gillespie Way, El Cajon, CA 92020, USA TEL: +1 (619) 562 7070 FAX: +1 (619) 562 9706 E-Mail: Website:

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SEACON-DS-0103 MMK 12#28 CCP & CCR Rev 2 - 2

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