Catalog excerpts

SEAmagine Hydrospace Corporation Claremont, California, USA Tel: +1.909.626.6262 www.seamagine.com AURORA-6S: 6 PERSON EXEPEDITION MODEL Light Weight, 300m to 1000m Depth Rated, ABS Classed The AURORA-6S is a 6-Person (1 pilot and 5 passengers) submarine that has a maximum depth rating range of 300 m to 1000 m and has a dry weight starting at 7500 kg. The submarine’s extra-large transparent spherical cabin provides all occupants a view unobstructed by top hatches and side pontoons and thereby provides the sensation of entering the underwater world, as opposed to simply observing it. The seating arrangement maximizes space and comfort for each occupant in the large spherical window and is configured with the rear passengers sitting higher than the ones in the front so that everyone has a stunning underwater view in all directions. 1 SEAmagine Hydrospace Corporation, 1420 N. Claremont Blvd, 111B, Claremont, California 91711, USA
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ULuJ v'vlAGJNE HYDROSPACE CORPORATION SEAmagine Hydrospace Corporation Claremont, California, USA Tel: +1.909.626.6262 www.seamagine.com TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Designer / Manufacturer Model Number of Occupants Classification Additional Approval SEAmagine Hydrospace Corporation AURORA 6S 6 (1 Pilot + 5 Passengers) ABS or DNV-GL Cayman Island Shipping Registry DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT POWERFUL SUBMARINE WITH INGENEOUS DESIGN FEATURES COMFORT & SAFE BOARDING When floating at surface, this submarine has a high freeboard making a stable platform for pe ople to walk on for...
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ULuJ v'vlAGJNE HYDROSPACE CORPORATION SEAmagine Hydrospace Corporation Claremont, California, USA Tel: +1.909.626.6262 www.seamagine.com A SUBMARINE FOR SEA-ADVENTURERS The AURORA-6S is ideally suited for group expedition dives offering exceptional un derwater field of views to all occupants in a sp acious transparent cabin. The pilot sits in the center rear seat and all the passengers have their seats especially arranged to maximize their views and ensure their co mfort. The vessel has deep diving ca pability of up to 1000 meters and, due to its design, offers a relatively light weight...
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