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Brochure - 1

Antifouling Paints Primer Systems Solvents Resins Fiberglass NEW NAUTICAL COATINGS, INC. 14805 49th Street North Clearwater, FL 33762 800.528.0997 727.523.8053 (International)

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Brochure - 2

New Nautical Coatings, Inc. is a family owned and operated company. Our goal is to provide premium products coupled with the highest level of customer service. Our team of highly skilled professionals is dedicated to caring for the needs of every customer. We appreciate your business. Sea Hawk is on the leading edge of science and technology providing the highest premium performance marine coatings. All of our products are designed with only the finest raw materials available.To insure our products are of the highest quality they endure rigorous quality assurance testing before they leave...

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Brochure - 3

An innovator of marine coatings technology, New Nautical Coatings, Inc. was established in 1978. We are dedicated to bringing only the highest quality products to today's mariner. Sea Hawk paints are made with care and attention to every detail. Every gallon is thoroughly inspected before it leaves our facility to ensure that it meets our stringent quality control requirements. We are a family owned and operated business with a commitment to excellence in our products, service and customer satisfaction.We welcome your comments and encourage you to call us with any questions. We believe that...

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Brochure - 4

SELF-POLISHING COPOLYMER • Vessel May be Removed From Water Without Affecting Antifouling Properties • Highest Grade of Cuprous Oxide Available (More Potent Active Ingredient) • Good for Slow Moving and Fast Moving Vessels • Better Color Consistency for Color Matching • Consistent Viscosity = Better Flow and Rolling Ability in Every Gallon • May be Applied Over Other Ablative Antifoulant Paints (See Compatibility Chart on Page 7) Self-Polishing Premium Cukote's high loading of cuprous oxide makes this formulation a top performer, even in the most severe fouling areas.As an ablative,...

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Brochure - 5

"Since making the change to Seahawk's bottom coatings, we have experienced much happier clients. The coatings have held up in the Seahawk bottom coatings have extended the duration between hard growth fouling. We enjoy excellent competitive pricing." Executive Vice President Burger Boat Company MEGA YACHT ANTIFOUUNG • Proven Performance in Fresh BiocopTF is the first non-tin based tin-based paints.A new biocide technology and state of the art release mechanism makes BiocopTF a top performer among all antifouling paints.This antifouling can be applied over properly prepared tin-based paint....

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Brochure - 6

HARD MODIFIED EPOXY ANTIFOULING • Highest Grade of Cuprous Oxide Available (More Potent Active Ingredient) • Hard, Modified Epoxy • Better Color Consistency for Color Matching • Consistent Viscosity = Better Flow and Rolling Ability • May be Applied Over Other Modified Epoxy Antifoulant Paints (See Compatibility Chart on Page 7) Hard, Modified Epoxy • Highest Copper Content in the Sea Hawk's top-of-the-line conventional antifouling paint contains over 75% cuprous oxide.This multi-season bottom paint aggressively combats ALL types of fouling and reduces hull maintenance with year-round,...

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Brochure - 7

EXPORT ONLY ANTIFOULING • Better Color Consistency for Color Matching • Consistent Viscosity = Better Flow and Rolling Ability • Self-cleaning Copolymer with High (No Other Comparable Product) • Highest Level of Antifoulant Protection • Highest Quality Grade of Cuprous Oxide Available (More Potent Active Ingredient) Islands 44 Plus was developed for the harshest tropical environments in the world. Islands 44 Plus is a multi-seasonal self-polishing paint. It has a high load of copper and tin that will ensure maximum protec- tion against marine growth. Islands 44 Plus is also available in a...

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Brochure - 8

KE\J Nautical Coal.nqs inc.. manulactyrer ol Sea Hawk Pairas, will warranty that when out products Cukote, Cufcota Biocidi Plus. Sharkskin BiocopTF IsLands 4A Pius, Islands 7? Plus, Monterey. Tropftoie. and Trofukoie Bkxade Plus, flniifckjiing coatings are applied by a Certified Sea Hawfc Appfocator in ine correct manner, as d&scribod In our lecrtnlcal brochuies. the coaling wiH remain iniact and not show any Pamacto growlh on the coaling for tfie period ol one year (12 months). WHAT DOES THE WARRANTY COVER? Should ytxjr vwul become tooled wnti hard growth wKMn ■ perxxJ of uw ywir 11 £...

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Brochure - 9

ANTIFOULING PAINTS Hord Modified Epoxy: TROPIKOTE BIOCIDE PLUS BIOCOP PLUS CUKOTE BIOCIDE PLUS Solvent-Free Self-Polishing: Advanced Self-Polishing Biocide: BIOTIN PLUS Compatibility Chart Legend: 'm*^ = Lightly sand and apply paint ^^^= Heavily sand and apply paint = Lightly sand and apply 1277 Barrier Primer or 1283 Island Prime before Bottom Line - It Works Better/ Call Our Factory Or Visit Our Website

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Brochure - 10

BARE WOOD Surface must be clean, dry and free of containments. Step I. Sand with 80 grit sandpaper, clean thoroughly and apply two coats of bottom paint by brush, roller or spray. Step 2. Apply one coat of bottom paint thinned 20% and let Step 3. Apply two more coats of bottom paint - 3 to 6 hours between coats and a minimum overnight dry. BARE STEEL BARE FIBERGLASS Blister Prevention System Step I. Dewax fiberglass thoroughly using S-80 Wax"N Grease Killer", or "S-90 De-Wax & Etch. (See Product Technical Data Sheet). For best results, it is always advisable to dewax the surface twice. Step...

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Brochure - 11

APPLICATION GUIDELINES COMPATIBILITY TESTING Sandblast to near white or white metal, SSPC-SP-IO or equivalent. Remove blasting residue by brush or by cleaned compressed air. Commercial blasting or sandsweeping is not enough. SYSTEM I - COPPER BASED ANTIFOULING I. Apply one coat of S-76 Primer.Allow to dry until tacky then apply second coat. See product data sheets for mil thickness and 2. Apply first of two coats of 1255 Coal Tar Epoxy after S-76 becomes tacky, wait until first coat tacks then apply second coat. See product data sheet for mil thickness and dry times. 3. Apply first coat of...

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All Sea Hawk catalogs and brochures


    3 Pages


    3 Pages

  3. R1

    4 Pages

  4. Tropikote™

    3 Pages

  5. AF-33

    2 Pages

  6. Cukote

    2 Pages

  7. Mission Bay

    2 Pages

  8. Gel Coat

    2 Pages

  9. S-90

    1 Pages

  10. sHAWKocon?

    2 Pages

  11. S-76

    2 Pages

  12. Tuff Stuff

    3 Pages

  13. Hawk Filler

    2 Pages

  14. Aluma Hawk

    2 Pages

  15. BiocopTF

    3 Pages

  16. Hawks Grip

    2 Pages

  17. Tin Booster

    1 Pages

  18. Bio-Boost

    1 Pages

Archived catalogs