Catalog excerpts

FISHING WINCHES PURETIC PURETICH POWER BLOCK - small TECHNICAL FEATURES CONFIGURATION stand hanged with guide with ejector Rated pull Speed Torque HYDRAULIC POWER pump drive with main engine with auxil engine mechanical Gr 1-2 mechanical Gr 2-3 electromagne c 30 Nm electromagne c 100 Nm distributor monoblock orbital OP motor orbital OS motor OPTION ACCESSORIES INOX oil tank MATERIAL Remote control AlMg alloy Stainless steel E-mail: info@scam-marine.hr
Open the catalog to page 2
FISHING WINCHES PURETIC PURETICH POWER BLOCK - big TECHNICAL FEATURES CONFIGURATION DATA Rated pull Speed Torque GEARBOX gear orbital motor OPTION ACCESSORIES PTO - mechanical Gr 3-4,5 - fric on cluthes - hydraulic clutches MATERIAL Remote control AlMg alloy Stainless steel E-mail: info@scam-marine.hr
Open the catalog to page 3
FISHING WINCHES TOWING ROPE / NET WINCHES VRV1,4-K1H TECHNICAL FEATURES CONFIGURATION stand single warping head double warping head double warping / net Rated pull Speed Torque pump drive with main engine with auxil engine mechanical Gr 2-3 mechanical Gr 3,5-4 electromagne c 100 Nm electromagne c 140 Nm orbital motor OPTION ACCESSORIES INOX oil tank MATERIAL Remote control AlMg alloy Bronze Stainless steel E-mail: info@scam-marine.hr
Open the catalog to page 4
FISHING WINCHES HRV12-S1H HRV8-KM1H TECHNICAL FEATURES CONFIGURATION single double triple without warping head with warping head band brake jaw clutch Rated pull Speed Torque GEARBOX gear OPTION ACCESSORIES PTO - mechanical Gr 3-4,5 - fric on cluthes - hydraulic clutches MATERIAL Remote control Spooling device Steel (sandblasted and painted) - standard Stainless steel E-mail: info@scam-marine.hr
Open the catalog to page 5
FISHING WINCHES FISHING WINCHES - purse seines TECHNICAL FEATURES CONFIGURATION single double triple without warping head with warping head band brake jaw clutch Rated pull Speed Torque GEARBOX gear OPTION ACCESSORIES PTO - fric on cluthes - hydraulic clutches - mul plicator MATERIAL Remote control Spooling device Steel (sandblasted and painted) - standard Stainless steel E-mail: info@scam-marine.hr
Open the catalog to page 6
FISHING WINCHES SHELL - FISHING TOOLS "Star" power block Cargo winch go e (rope + hook) Shell cleaning machine ning TECHNICAL FEATURES CONFIGURATION stand hanged Rated pull Speed Torque HYDRAULIC POWER with main engine with auxil engine mechanical Gr 1-2 mechanical Gr 2-3 electromagne c 30 Nm electromagne c 100 Nm hydraulic draulic pump drive orbital OP motor l orbital OS motor l distributor monoblock OPTION ACCESSORIES INOX oil tank MATERIAL Remote control AlMg alloy Stainless steel E-mail: info@scam-marine.hr scam-marine.hr www.scam-marine.hr m-marine.hr
Open the catalog to page 7
FISHING WINCHES SCAM marine d.o.o. production and sales of nautical equipment Mavri bb, 51216 Viškovo, CROATIA tel.: +385 51 503 626 fax: +385 51 503 629
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Table pumps-cylinders
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