New ways with SAACKE micro-CHP system
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New ways with SAACKE micro-CHP system - 1

New ways with SAACKE micro-CHP system The energy efficient solution

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New ways with SAACKE micro-CHP system - 2

New ways with SAACKE micro-CHP system Optimal energy utilization The idea of using waste heat from power generation for process steam or hot water is not new. Rather, it is a logical step, because exhaust gases from a combined heat and power plant or a gas turbine contain large quantities of valuable energy. While exhaust gas in a traditional combined heat and power (CHP) plant is conveyed directly over a heat exchanger or through a waste heat boiler, in this newly developed SAACKE solution for medium-sized industrial enterprises, the exhaust gas is conveyed to the heat generator via a...

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New ways with SAACKE micro-CHP system - 3

An overview of our services With 70 SAACKE customer support centers in over 20 countries, we guarantee close customer support everywhere in the world. Our service is focused on a single goal: ensuring the operation of your combustion plants for many years beyond assembly and commissioning – efficient, environmentally friendly and reliable. You can expect rapid availability for repairs and replacement for all SAACKE plants worldwide. The service partnership with SAACKE also includes maintenance and operational optimizations if this has been agreed. SAACKE provides flexible maintenance...

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New ways with SAACKE micro-CHP system - 4

Whether turn-key solutions, modules or individual components, SAACKE provides services for all thermal processes under one roof – from conventional firing through to complex plants for the combustion of special fuels. The experienced SAACKE engineering team ensures smooth processing within the frequently required short-term implemen- tation phase and provides extensive know-how from the initial concept through to the detailed engineering for maximum efficiency, availability and service life of the plant. Besides feasibility studies and the basic engineering to ensure the process technology,...

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New ways with SAACKE micro-CHP system - 5

Use energy more efficiently. 1 2 3 Establish contact Data recording & process analysis Basic engineering & proposal preparation 4 Uncover potential savings, optimize efficiency! Combustion plant losses or unused waste heat are a drain on the budget as well as the environment. But, optimization does not necessarily have to result in higher expense or long downtimes. SAACKE supports you with a comprehensive selection of modernization tools and energy efficiency measures, through to a complete SAACKE micro-CHP system. In view of constantly rising operating costs, we develop individual...

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New ways with SAACKE micro-CHP system - 6

The SAACKE solution in detail The SAACKE micro combined heat and power principle is a highly Example diagram of a micro-CHP plant profitable instrument for energy generation for conventional heat generators. The system consists of the specially developed SAACKE DDZG-GTM turbine exhaust gas burner, one or more micro gas turbines and the exhaust gas system, including all shut-off and control elements Steam boiler between the turbine and the burner, as well as the associated SAACKE se@vis Pro process control system. Turbine Burner The SAACKE DDZG-GTM burner series, which was developed in five...

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New ways with SAACKE micro-CHP system - 7

A SAAC KE DDG-GTM 13 burner was installed on the existing saturated steam boiler with two upstream micro gas turbines. The turbines produce 400 kW of electricity for site, which also roughly corresponds to the hourly energy requirements. SAAC KE's scope of delivery included the steel construction and civil works, as well as the combined heat and power generation processes into which the turbines provided by the customer were successfully integrated. All of the expectations identified in the run-up to the project, e.g. relating to emissions and energy efficiency, were exceeded. The plant has...

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