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Catalog excerpts

19_PB_EME-VFT - 1

Exhaust Gas Marine Economiser Design pressure Design Features The EME-VFT is a classic vertical exhaust gas économiser with forced circulation that also fulfils the function of silencer in the exhaust gas system. Heat transfer is performed through water tubes with extended heating surface, created by the application of fins to the tubes. The water tubes are grourJed/n erxtractable modules. Each module can be removed independently from the économiser casing for maintenance and repair. The external arrangement of the horizontal collectors allows to partly isolate and shutdown one or more modules. For easy cleaning, the économiser is equipped with fixed water washing nozzles, soot blower connections and inspection doors. In emergency case the EME-VFT can run in dry condition. MARINE SYSTEMS heat generating plants

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19_PB_EME-VFT - 2

C A EME-VFT B Steam capacity D t/h Design pressure MPa 3.0 1.2 Main engine B C D mm Wärtsila 16V 46 at 85 % MCR ISO condition A mm Boiler dry weight* kg Water volume at NWL m3 mm mm 4090 3220 2190 3320 9200 0.6 © SAACKE G mbH · February 20 11 (R/5) · Co nten t subject to alteration . * including insulation and valves SAACKE GmbH · Südweststrasse 13 · 28237 Bremen · Germany · Phone: +49 - 421 - 64 95 0 · eMail: marine@saacke.de www.saacke-marine-systems.com

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