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Exhaust Gas Marine Boiler Exhaust Gas Marine Economiser Design Features The EMB/EME-HST is a horizontal smoke tube exhaust gas boiler respectively économiser that also fulfils partly the function of a silencer in the exhaust gas system. The heat transfer is performed through plain smoke tubes that is easy to clean and maintain. The exhaust gas boiler EMB-HST has its own steam space and therefore it works independently from other boilers in the system. The exhaust gas économiser EME-HST has to be connected to a fired boiler or a separate ■■' steam drum by means of forced circulation. The EMB/EME-HST is suitable for dry running in emergency case. MARINE SYSTEMS heat generating plants

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EMB/EME-HST D A B Steam capacity t/h Design pressure MPa 2.3 0.9 1.0 1.0 Main engine B D* mm MAN B&W 7L 70 MC-C at 90 % MCR ISO condition MAN B&W 7S 50 MC-C at 85 % MCR ISO condition A mm Boiler dry weight** kg Water volume at NWL m3 mm 7300 3650 2910 23200 10.3 5100 2890 2550 17000 8.7 * including insulation © SAACKE G mbH · February 20 11 (R/5) · Co nten t subject to alteration . ** including insulation and valves SAACKE GmbH · Südweststrasse 13 · 28237 Bremen · Germany · Phone: +49 - 421 - 64 95 0 · eMail: marine@saacke.de www.saacke-marine-systems.com

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