Catalog excerpts

SYLenceLOW-POWER HYDROPHONE RECORDER Autonomous - Compact - Easy to use Description Applications SYLence recorder is a turnkey low-power autonomous hydrophone recorder. SYLence recorder is equipped with a single hydrophone sensor and a low power recording system (600 mW). • Ambient noise • Environmental monitoring • Marine renewable energies • Cetacean research • Seismic / Shipping / Construction SYLence recorder dynamic allows monitoring simultaneously all types of sounds from mammals to very high level noises. SYLence recorder is very low-power and can record up to 45 days of data with only 18 D Cell batteries. Additional battery packs, hard-drive storage capacity and mission schedule mode can improve deployment lengths. Options • Temperature-Pressure Configuration, monitoring and data recovery are facilitated through intuitive web browser interface. CharacteristicsPowered • Versatile • Low power & broadband • High-quality data • Easy to use • Easy to recover Dim.: D: 12 cm - L: 55 cm Weight: 7 kg in air, 2 kg in water Depth: 200 m Energy: 18 Alkaline or Li-SoCl2 D Cells Storage: 128 GB SD Card RTSYS - Underwater Acoustics & Drones +33(0)297 898 580 - sales@rtsys.fr
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SYLence Hydrophone is easily plugged in and out from the recorder. SYLence recorder can be equipped with additional options: l Temperature & pressure sensor l Hydrophone cable length l Broadband hydrophone Low power and broadband Connect SYLence recorder to Ethernet cable SYLence power consumption is only 600 mW in low-power recording mode and less than 3 mW in sleep mode. Selectable recording frequencies proposed are 1 kHz, 2 kHz, 4 kHz, 8 kHz, 16 kHz, 32 kHz, 48 kHz, 96 kHz and 192 kHz in SYLence mode and from 39 kHz to 1250 kH in classic mode. Connect cable to any computer Ethernet input...
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SDA Software Suite
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Sonar AS3I
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