Catalog excerpts

RB-SDA14 RUGGED REMOTE BUOY Real-time underwater noise monitoring Description Made for an automated and intuitive operation, the RB-SDA14 buoy can record underwater noise and simultaneously send and display real-time noise information such as SEL – Sound Exposure Level and SPL – Sound Pressure Level over a 10 km distance. Especially adapted to offshore conditions, the RB-SDA14 is an excellent solution for autonomous real-time noise surveying of port construction, pile driving operations and seismic surveys. Even if the RB-SDA14 is robust, this buoy can be easily deployed and recovered from working boats, weighing less than 500 kg including mooring. The recorder device is placed in the buoy tube and is easily removable, interchangeable and rechargeable. Applications Piling noise monitoring Offshore marine construction Seismic surveys Environmental monitoring Noise impact studies Options Communication: Satellite, 3G Up to 2 TB HDD memory extension Adapted moorings regarding deployment area Key Characteristics Radio link over 10 km Wi-Fi link: 700 m GPS Stabilized float 1.25 m diameter User-friendly intuitive embedded web interface Float dim.: Tube dim.: Total height: Weight: Power: Storage: Autonomy: 1.25 m diameter 19 cm diameter 227 cm 238 kg 1800 Wh. Li-ion battery 128 or 256 GB SD Card, 1 TB SSD, 2 TB HDD 42 days (Wi-Fi and UHF off) RTSYS – Marine Technologies +33(0)297 898 580 – info@rtsys.eu RTsys products comply with noise Good Environmental Status objectives defined by the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD)
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RB-SDA14 Software - Radio link: SEL/SPL calculation The buoy streams the Sound Pressure Level (SPL), the Sound Exposure Level (SEL) and the 1/3rd octave band spectrum, every 5 seconds to the dedicated software. The software provides configurable alert thresholds according to the current standards and regulations. The processed in-stream data are stored locally for analysis on the receiving computer. The raw .wav files remain stored on the buoy and can be downloaded either during deployment with the Wi-Fi link or when the EA-SDA14 removable recorder is recovered. Live Monitor software -...
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SDA Software Suite
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Sonar AS3I
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