Catalog excerpts

INSEA INvestigation of SEdiments by Acoustics Compact ergonomic acoustic velocimeter for geophysics and marine applications. Description INSEA is a compact ergonomic velocimeter for marine geoacoustic application able to operate down to 100 meters deep. Light and easy to use, INSEA can be fully manipulated by one person. Operating in wired and autonomous mode it is dedicated to both in-situ and laboratory applications. The velocimeter is composed by 4 stakes placed at adjustable horizontal distances going from 5 to 40cm. Stakes are drivable from 5 to 15cm deep into the ground and are provided with retainer in order to limit penetration into soft ground. INSEA is equipped with two emitting and two receiving transducers located inside the stakes that determine acoustic impedance. Acquisition is easily launched and stopped thanks to a push button switch lighting red when ON. In autonomous mode, data is stored into a database with ping, environmental and time parameters. In wired mode, data is stored then transferred via Ethernet. The 4 transducers allow multistatic acquisition via differential impedance and wide frequency going from 40KHz to 400KHz with high accuracy. Fields of application Scientific instrumentation Marine geophysics Tomography Geoacoustic studies Autonomous and wired mode Light and easy-to-use 100m depth Multistatic acquisition All marine sediments, including coarse sands Dimensions: 600mm x 350mm x 250mm, Weight: 8,6Kg in air, 5,3Kg in water Post analysis and configuration are permitted via an intuitive web interface. 25 rue Michel Marion 58658 Caudan – France RTsys activities - Marine acoustics Embedded electronics Marine robotics Systems integration Customized R&D developments RTSYS – Marine Technologies SAS with capital of EUR 500,000– RCS Lorient 524 201 134 –TVA FR32 524 201 134– Code NAF : 7112B
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INSEA Contact RTSYS SIRET : RCS : Address RTSYS 25 Rue Michel Marion 56850 CAUDAN France Email info@rtsys.eu Information furnished by RTSYS is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for its use. RTSYS – Marine Technologies SAS with capital of EUR 500,000– RCS Lorient 524 201 134 –TVA FR32 524 201 134– Code NAF : 7112B
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