RS Sailing


Catalog excerpts

RS Sailing - 2

Owner’s Manual

Open the catalog to page 2
RS Sailing - 3

Contents of Manual Page No. 2-6 7 Capsize recovery – Single handed dinghies Capsize recovery – Double handed dinghies Capsize recovery - Multihulls Principal Dimensions – ABP dinghies Principal Dimensions – Single handed performance dinghies Principal Dimensions – Double handed performance dinghies Towing points Appendix – Basic rigging guides

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RS Sailing - 4

English____________________________________________________________ Introduction Congratulations on the purchase of your new RS sailing dinghy and thank you for choosing an RS product. We are confident that you will have many hours of great sailing and racing in this truly excellent design. The RS fleet are exciting boats to sail and offer fantastic performance. This manual has been compiled to help you operate your craft with safety and pleasure. This manual will not instruct you in boating safety or seamanship. If this is your first boat, or if you are changing to a type of craft that you...

Open the catalog to page 4
RS Sailing - 5

Français___________________________________________________________ Intro Félicitations pour l’achat de votre nouveau dériveur RS et merci d’avoir choisi nos produits. Nous sommes convaincus que vous aurez de belles heures de navigation avec cet excellent support. La gamme RS propose une large palette de modèles, tous parfaitement aboutis pour leur programme. Ce manuel a été prévu pour vous aider à appréhender votre bateau dans les meilleures conditions de sécurité et le plus sereinement possible. Ce manuel n’a pas pour objet de vous instruire sur la sécurité en mer ou la conduite en marin...

Open the catalog to page 5
RS Sailing - 6

Deutsch____________________________________________________________ Einleitung Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Kauf Ihres neuen Bootes aus dem Hause RS Sailing. Wir freuen uns, das Sie sich für eines unserer Produkte entschieden haben. Und wir sind überzeugt davon, dass Sie unzählige Stunden voller Segelspaß genießen können werden. Dieses Handbuch wurde zusammengestellt, um Ihnen zu helfen, das Boot auf sichere und für Sie angenehme Art und Weise zu nutzen. Dieses Handbuch dient nicht der Schulung von guter Seemannschaft oder allgemeiner Sicherheitsfragen. Falls dieses Ihr erstes Segelboot sein...

Open the catalog to page 6
RS Sailing - 7

Italiano____________________________________________________________ Introduzione. RingraziandoVi per l’acquisto di un prodotto della linea RS, desideriamo congratularci con Voi per la scelta della vostra nuova deriva RS Sailing. Siamo certi che avrete molte occasioni di essere orgogliosi del vostro acquisto e vi divertirete moltissimo, sia con semplici uscite a vela sia che decidiate di partecipare alle regate dei vari circuiti RS. Tutta la gamma RS è composta da imbarcazioni divertenti da usare e gratificanti per le loro performance; questo manuale è stato redatto per aiutarVi ad ottenere...

Open the catalog to page 7
RS Sailing - 8

Español___________________________________________________________ Introducción Felicidades por la compra de su nuevo velero RS y gracias por elegir uno de nuestros modelos. Estamos convencidos de que disfrutará muchas horas del placer de navegar y regatear en su nuevo RS. Todas las embarcaciones de nuestra flota resultan muy excitantes y ofrecen excelentes prestaciones. Este manual se ha compilado a fin de ayudarle a obtener de su embarcación máximo placer y seguridad. Este manual no pretende instruirle sobre seguridad a bordo o en el manejo de la embarcación. Si esta es su primera...

Open the catalog to page 8
RS Sailing - 9

Capsize Recovery from Inversion – Single handed dinghies Redresser après chavirage - en solitaire Wiederaufrichten durchgekenterter Boote – Einhandboote Raddrizzamento dopo una scuffia a 180° - barche singole Adrizamiento de una embarcación volcada quilla al sol - Embarcaciones individuales Ensure the dagger/centre board is in the down position. Stand on the gunwale, hold on to the dagger/centre board and lean back. Once on its side, pull down on dagger/centre board followed by the gunwale to bring the boat upright. Reach into the cockpit and pull your self back into the boat. Vérifier que...

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RS Sailing - 10

Capsize Recovery from Inversion – Double handed dingies Redresser après chavirage - en double Wiederaufrichten durchgekenterter Boote – Zweimannboote Raddrizzamento dopo una scuffia a 180° - barche doppie Adrizamiento de una embarcación volcada quilla al sol - Embarcacionesdobles English 1. Ensure the dagger/centre board is in the down position.The helm should stand on the gunwale, hold on to the dagger/centre board and lean back. To assist, the crew can take a jib/spinnaker sheet, stand on the gunwale and lean back. 2. Once on its side, the crew should make their way to cockpit and throw...

Open the catalog to page 10
RS Sailing - 11

Capsize Recovery from Inversion – Multihulls Ressaler d’une position complètement inversée - Multicoques Das Aufrichten bei durchgekentertem Boot - für Katamarane Raddrizzamento dopo una scuffia a 180° – Catamarani Adrizamiento de una embarcación volcada quilla al sol – Multihulls English 1. Collect the righting line and stand at the transom of one of the hulls. Leaning backwards, the boat will slowly come up into the capsize position. 2. Climb onto the lower hull, release the main and jib sheets and throw the righting line over the top hull. 3. Lean back on the righting line to begin the...

Open the catalog to page 11
RS Sailing - 12

Principal Dimensions for APB Dinghies Dimensions principales gamme loisir Technische Daten für APB-Boote Ha Dimensioni principali delle derive serie APB Dimensiones principales de las embarcaciones polivalentes de polietileno. English Code A1 A2 A3 Lh Bh Ha T MLCC Description Main sail area Jib area Spinnaker area Length of hull Beam of hull Height above Sheer Draft Unladed mass boat Maximum total load Minimum crew for capsize Crew limit Français Description Deutsch Beschreibung Italiano Descrizione Español descripción Surface de grand-voile Surface de foc Surface de spinnaker Longueur de...

Open the catalog to page 12

All RS Sailing France catalogs and brochures

  1. RS FEVA_2021

    40 Pages


    2 Pages

  3. RS CAT16

    2 Pages

  4. RS CAT14

    4 Pages

  5. 2000

    2 Pages

  6. RS21

    4 Pages

  7. RS Elite

    7 Pages

  8. RS800

    2 Pages

  9. RS500

    2 Pages

  10. RS AERO

    8 Pages

  11. RS TERA

    2 Pages

  12. RSCAT 14

    4 Pages

  13. RS Zest

    4 Pages

  14. RS neo

    2 Pages

  15. RS 21

    4 Pages

  16. RS Vareo

    2 Pages

  17. RS QUEST

    1 Pages

  18. RS CAT 16

    2 Pages

  19. RS700

    2 Pages

  20. RS400

    2 Pages

  21. RS200

    2 Pages

  22. RS100

    2 Pages

  23. Vision

    2 Pages

  24. Venture Keel

    2 Pages

  25. Venture

    2 Pages

  26. Vareo

    2 Pages

  27. Tera

    2 Pages

  28. Quba

    2 Pages

  29. CAT16

    2 Pages

  30. Elite

    7 Pages

  31. New RS Aero

    8 Pages

  32. brochure 2013

    16 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. RS FEVA

    2 Pages